Creation Lesson #1 : Genesis 1:1-2

Creation Lesson #1 (Genesis 1:1-2) In this series we are going to be studying the subject of creation. These lessons will take us through the first eleven chapters of Genesis. The reason for going this far in Genesis with creation is because there are some changes made concerning the earth...

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Science and the Word of God

Science and the Word of God  This lesson will deal with the subject of Science and the Word of God. Many believe that the Word of God is just a religious book or a historical book. The truth of the matter is that it is not only both of those...

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The Kingdom Study : Lesson 7 The Counterfeit Kingdom

The Kingdom Study Lesson 7 The Counterfeit Kingdom In the previous lesson we saw how Israel rejected the Holy Spirit under the preaching of Stephen and God postponed the Kingdom of Heaven until a later time. Instead of bringing in the Kingdom of Heaven he turned to the gentiles and gave...

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The Kingdom Study : Lesson #2 From Adam to Noah

The Kingdom Study : Lesson 2 From Adam to Noah In the previous lesson we saw that Lucifer had both the Kingdom of Heaven and the Kingdom of God and through sin he lost them both and God destroyed the original earth. Lucifer then becomes Satan which means an adversary. In...

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