Lessons from King Saul: Saul’s downward spiral.

Lessons From King Saul: Saul’s Downward Spiral (1 Samuel 16-31) In this final lesson for our study of King Saul we will look at the downward spiral of events that led his death. In our previous lesson we saw that as a result of Saul’s disobedience Samuel told Saul that...

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Lessons From King Saul: Saul’s disobedience.

Lessons From King Saul:  Saul’s Disobedience (1 Samuel 15:1-35) In this lesson from our study of King Saul we will look at his disobedience in the matter of the Amalekites. Many times you are told to read the bible putting yourself into the passage, this is an excellent passage for...

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Lessons From King Saul: Being impatient

Lessons From King Saul: Being Impatient (1 Samuel 13:1-14)  This lesson will deal with the impatient of Saul and how it led him to commit a terrible sin that eventually cost him the kingdom. Patience is a very hard thing for us to have, especially in the world that we...

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Lesson From King Saul: Rejecting God

Lesson From King Saul: Rejecting God (1 Samuel 8:1-20) In this brief series we will be looking at some lessons that we can learn from studying king Saul. Saul was the 1st king that Israel had to reign over them. God allowed Israel to have a king but it was...

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A Study in 1 Thessalonians: Final Thoughts

A Study in 1 Thessalonians: Final Thoughts (1 Thessalonians 5:12-24) In this lesson we will look at the final thoughts that Paul had for the Thessalonians. When we started this study we stated that First Thessalonians is a good book for people that just got saved to read. This is shown...

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A study in 1 Thessalonians: Three Simple commands

A Study in 1 Thessalonians:  Three Simple Commands (1 Thessalonians 4:9-12) This lesson will focus on verse 11 and the three simple commands that Paul gave to the Thessalonians in this verse. Many times saved people get caught up in the big task of life and the ministry when in reality...

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