Teach us to Pray

Luke 11:1-4  Introduction: In this passage of scripture, we see Jesus Christ, teaching the disciple to pray. This prayer was not necessarily meant to be prayed verbatim in a repetitious manner however, it is a good prayer to pray. More than just praying this prayer as it stands, it would...

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Studies in Romans : Lesson #1 The Power of God

Studies From Romans Lesson #1 : The Power of God (Romans 1:1-17)  In this study we will be looking at the book of Romans. We will not be studying the book of Romans verse by verse but will be taking individual lessons from the book. Romans is a great book...

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Some Facts About Hell

Some Facts about Hell Luke 16:19-31 The topic for this lesson is not a very popular topic, but it is an extremely important topic that deals with where you will spend eternity. Many today will tell you that hell is not real or does not really exist. Some say that...

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Some Facts About Heaven

Some Facts About Heaven Revelation 21:1-8 In this lesson we are going to discuss some facts concerning Heaven that are found in the word of God. One must remember that for Heaven to be real that Hell has to also be real. You cannot have one without the other. Jesus...

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Spiritual Circumcision

Spiritual Circumcision (Colossians 2:9-13)  In the study we are going to be looking at the subject of Spiritual Circumcision. This is one of the most important doctrines of Salvation. It not only shows us eternal security, but it explains why we can sin after we are saved and yet not...

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Body, Soul, and Spirit

Body, Soul, and Spirit (1 Thessalonians 5:23)  The subject for this lesson is the body, the soul, and the spirit of man. In this lesson we will look to the word of God and identify each of these three parts as well as show where they go when a person...

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Miracles of Jesus Lesson #8 : Walking on the Water

Miracles of Jesus Lesson #8 : Walking on the Water (Matthew 14:22-36 ; Mark 6:45-52)  For this miracle we will use the account in Matthew as well as the one in Mark. There are some details from each of these passages that we will look need to see. In this...

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