Miracles of Jesus: Lesson #4 The Palsied Man Healed

Miracles of Jesus Lesson #4 The Palsied Man Healed (Mark 2:1-12)  This is a great story concerning one of the miracles that Jesus performed. It is not just the fact that he healed the palsied man but the events that led up to this man being healed. From this miracle...

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Miracles of Jesus Lesson #3 The Maniac of Gadara

Miracles of Jesus Lesson #3 The Maniac of Gadara (Mark 5:1-20)  During Jesus’ ministry he cast out many devils or unclean spirits. But this is probably one of the more well know story regarding Jesus casting our devils. From this miracle we will see Jesus’ authority and power over devils...

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Miracles of Jesus Lesson #2 Jesus’ First Miracle

Miracles of Jesus Lesson #2 Jesus’ First Miracle (John 2:1-12)  The first public miracle that Jesus performed was at a wedding in Cana. It was here that he turned water into wine. This is significant because his first public miracle directly connected him to Moses who turned water into blood....

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God and his Word

God and his Word Ecclesiastes 8:4   In this lesson we are going to look at some scriptural facts concerning the word of God that will help us to know for sure that God is the author of his word. Many people have different reasons for not believing in God...

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How to Study the Word of God

How to Study the Word of God 1 Timothy 2:15 The verse for our lesson simply tells us to study, and the purpose is to rightly divide the word of truth so that we are a workman who is not ashamed. It is not the only time the word is used...

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