The Old Testament Tabernacle : Introduction

The Old Testament Tabernacle Introduction When you are reading through or studying the book of Exodus you will find in Chapters 25- 31 and also in Chapters 36-40 detailed instructions for building the Tabernacle and its furnishings. You will also find the specifics for the priests clothing and how they...

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The Old Testament Tabernacle: Introduction

The Old Testament Tabernacle Introduction   When you are reading through or studying the book of Exodus you will find in Chapters 25- 31 and also in Chapters 36-40 detailed instructions for building the Tabernacle and its furnishings. You will also find the specifics for the priests clothing and how...

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Proofs for the Resurrection

Proofs for the Resurrection The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the most important thing in regards to salvation. As a matter of fact, the resurrection is what separates salvation in Jesus Christ from all other religions in the world today. True Christianity has a risen savior. There have been many...

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