The Trinity (Part One)

The Trinity (Part One) 1 John 5:7 There are many false teachings today concerning the Bible doctrine called the Trinity. There are even Baptist that say the trinity is not biblical, but that Baptist added it because of Catholic teaching. In these lessons we are not going to focus on...

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Rightly Dividing Judgments Lesson #2

Rightly Dividing Judgments Lesson #2 In the previous lesson we looked at 3 Judgments that are directly connected to someone living in the Church Age division. In this lesson we will study 2 other Judgments that are not directly connected with someone in the Church Age but they are still...

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Rightly Dividing: Judgments Lesson #1

Rightly Dividing Judgements Lesson #1 In this series of rightly dividing the word of truth we are going to be looking at the Judgements found in the word of God. This lesson will focus on three of these judgements. Judgement as Sinners, Self Judgement, and The Judgment Seat of Christ....

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What Does the Word of God Know?

What Does the Word of God Know? (Hebrews 4:12-13) The word of God knows everything, which is shown to us in Hebrews 4:12-13. Not only is the word of God said to be alive and a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart, but in verse 13 we...

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Characteristic of a Fool

Characteristics of a Fool Psalm 14:1 The verse for this study is a famous verse and is quoted many times. It is basically saying that you are a fool if you think believe there is no God. Many are offended by this verse and therefore do everything they can to...

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Lessons from the Wise Men

Lesson from the Wise men Matthew 2:1-12 For this lesson we are going to be looking at the visit of the wise men to see Jesus. We will first look at some of the facts concerning this visit. Then we will use the example of how the wise men worshipped...

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Rightly Dividing : Divisions Lesson #2

Rightly Dividing (2 Timothy 2:15) Divisions Lesson #2 In our previous lesson we studied the first two divisions known as Innocence in the Garden and Before the Law. In the first division Adam and Eve were created righteous and had only had to do one thing regarding keeping their righteousness....

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Rightly Dividing: Divisions Lesson 1

Rightly Dividing (2 Timothy 2:15) Divisions Lesson #1 In the introduction for this series, we saw that we must rightly divide the word of truth according to 2 Timothy 2:15. Therefore, in this lesson we will begin looking at the divisions in the word of God. In the process of...

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Rightly Dividing (Introduction)

Rightly Dividing Introduction 2 Timothy 2:15 In this series we will be studying the subject of Rightly Dividing the word of truth. This is an important subject because without it the Bible would contradict and not make much sense. But as you will see from this study that once you...

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