Below you will find all of the Sunday school lessons from the Book of Revelation taught by Pastor Welder in the adult Sunday school class. These lessons are outlined as expository studies so that you get both a doctrinal study of the verses as well as a spiritual lesson. Often the verses are cross-referenced so that you can see the Bible interpretation rather than a man’s interpretation from a commentary.
- Introduction to Revelation February 28, 2010
- Prophecy of Revelation March 7, 2010
- Author of Revelation March 21, 2010
- Seven Churches of Revelation Rev.2-3 March 28, 2010
- Church of Ephesus Rev.2:1-7 April 4, 2010
- Church in Smyrna Rev. 2:8-11 May 2, 2010
- Church in Pergamos Rev. 2:12-17 May 9, 2010
- Church in Thyatira Rev. 2:18-29 May 16, 2010
- Church in Sardis Rev. 3:1-6 May 23, 2010
- Church in Philadelphia Rev. 3:7-13 June 13, 2010
- Church of the Laodiceans Rev. 3:14-24 June 20, 2010
- Four Beasts Rev. 4:6-11 June 27, 2010
- Great White Throne Rev. 4:1-11 July 4, 2010
- The Sealed Book Rev. 5:1-8 July 11, 2010
- Redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb Rev. 5:9-14 July 18, 2010
- The Seven Seals (First Four Seals) Rev. 6:1-8 July 25, 2010
- The Fifth Seal Rev. 6:9-11 August 1, 2010
- The Sixth Seal Rev. 6:12-17 August 15, 2010
- The 144,000 Rev. 7:1-8 August 22, 2010
- Tribulation Saints Rev. 7:9-17 September 5, 2010
- The Seventh Seal (and First Four Trumpets) Rev. 8:1-13 September 18, 2010
- The Fifth Trumpet Rev. 9:1-12 September 26, 2010
- The Sixth Trumpet Rev. 9:13 October 3, 2010
- The Little Book Rev. 10:1-11 October 10, 2010
- Two Tribulation Witnesses, Rev 11:1-6 October 17, 2010
- Two Witnesses Killed, Rev 11:7-11 October 24, 2010
- The Seventh Angel Rev. 11:15-19 October 31, 2010
- Rebirth of Israel Rev. 12:1-9 November 7, 2010
- The Accuser of Our Brethren Rev. 12:10-17 November 14, 2010
- The Antichrist Rev. 13:1-6 November 28, 2010
- The False Prophet Rev. 13:7-16 December 26, 2010
- The Mark of the Beast Rev. 13:16-18 January 2, 2011
- Everlasting Gospel and Cup of Indignation Rev.14:6-13 January 6, 2011
- The 144000 in Heaven Rev. 14:1-5 January 9, 2011
- Grapes of Wrath Rev.14:14-20 January 22, 2011
- The Great Red Dragon Rev. 12:9 January 30, 2011
- The Seven Last Plagues Rev. 15:1-8 February 6, 2011
- Vials of God’s Wrath (Part 1) Rev. 16:1-11 February 27, 2011
- Vials of God’s Wrath (Part 2) Rev. 16:12-16 March 20, 2011
- Vials of God’s Wrath (Part 3) Rev. 16:17-21 March 27, 2011
- Mystery, Babylon Rev. 17:1-6 April 10, 2011
- Judgment of the Great Whore Rev. 17:1-18 April 17, 2011
- Babylon the Great (Part 1) Rev. 18:1-3 May 15, 2011
- Babylon the Great (Part 2) Rev. 18:1-3 May 15, 2011
- Babylon the Great (Part 3) Rev. 18 May 29, 2011
- Lord Jesus Christ Exalted Rev. 19:1-10 June 5, 2011
- Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ (Part 1) Rev. 19:11-16 June 12, 2011
- The Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ (Part 2) Rev.19:13-21 June 12, 2011
- KING of Kings Rev.20:1-10 June 26, 2011
- White Throne Judgment (Part 1) Rev. 20:11-15 July 24, 2011
- White Throne Judgment II Rev. 20:11-15 August 7, 2011
- New Heaven and New Earth Rev. 21:1-8 August 14, 2011
- New Jerusalem Rev. 21:9-27 August 28, 2011
- Jerusalem Glorified Rev. 22:1-15 September 4, 2011
- Revelation “Sayings” Rev. 22:6-21 September 11, 2011