Honey Out of the Rock, Ps 81:16

Honey Out of the Rock Ps. 81:16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO

The rock represents a hard thing in your life and the honey represents something good that comes out of that hard thing.  Calvary was Jesus’ rock and the honey is our salvation.  Notice these truths:

The rock is an unyielding substance – a rock is not something that yields to you.  You can stub your toe on it or it can fall on you.  It may break you; but you are not going to break it.  It is unyielding.  There are adversities that you will face in your life that will be unyielding.  You can pray all you want and God isn’t going to remove the trouble.  It will be unyielding, like the thorn in Paul’s flesh.  The more time you spend trying to break the rock and remove it, the more time you will waste because that rock isn’t going anywhere.

The honey is an unexpected provision – the rock wasn’t sent to crush you or destroy you or stop you.  It isn’t an obstacle.  It is hard and it is unyielding but it is there for your good and not for something bad.  There’s honey in that rock.  And at such a time, the Lord will allow the rock to yield its sweetness.  Just as water came from the rock for Israel in the wilderness, so honey will come out of this rock for you.  The shocking thing is that you don’t expect that much good to come out of that much bad.  But it will.  Joni Earickson Tada certainly realized that.  Her paralysis is a terrible rock.  But the breadth and depth of her resulting ministry to others, both saved and lost, is the sweetest honey imaginable.

Honey out of a rock reveals an unusual principle – If you will quit fighting him, God will turn that bad situation around for good.  With promises like Rom 8:28 you know that God is working in all things.  After all, it’s God who brought the rock.  So, quit fighting the rock and start looking for the honey.  It’s there and it’s there for you.  The death of Lazarus rocked Mary and Martha, but from his death came the honey of his resurrection and his testimony [Jn 12:10-11].  Paul’s imprisonment could have rocked his ministry but for the honey of his prison epistles, the souls saved in Caesar’s household [Phil 4:22] and the resulting fearless, bold preaching of the brethren [Phil 1:14].

Conclusion: when you hit the rock in your life, keep on going.  It is not meant to stop you.  God has provided honey for you in that rock.  And that honey cannot come forth by any other means than by the rock which contains it.