How to Study the Bible (Part 1)
2 Timothy 2:15
Here we see a command for us in regard to studying the Bible. Studying the Bible should be one of our greatest passions as children of God, but for many it not such an easy task. In these lesson we are going to look at how to get started in studying God’s word and some of the basic principles or guidelines we must follow when studying God’s word.
Key things about the Bible:
1) It is the key for us to accomplish what God wants us to accomplish (2 Timothy3:16-17).
2) We must look to it as the preserved and infallible final authority (Psalm 12:6-7; 119:160)
Where do we start?
As with most things in life, getting started is the hardest part. What do I study first, what do I use to study with, Should I join a group for Bible study, these are just a few of the questions people ask when they start to study the Bible. There are two words that are found in the Bible that I believe will help us with where to start. These words are read and meditate.
1) Read the Book (Deuteronomy 17:19)
- This passage show us the command for kings regarding the book of the Law.
- The very first thing we must do is to develop a good system for reading God’s word. This will not be the same for everyone but it is essential.
- Before you can ever study a subject you must become familiar with the subject. When it comes to God’s word this is also true.
- Note the waring that Jesus gave when being questioned by people (Matthew 12:3,5 ; 19:4 ; 21:16, 42 ; 22:29,31)
2) Meditate (Joshua 1:8)
- One of the definitions for the word meditate is to study.
- The more we read the word of God the more we will think about the word of God.
In the next lesson we will begin to look at some guidelines for studying the Bible that will build on the first step of reading God’s word.