How We Should Live, Titus 2:12

How We Should Live

In Titus 2:12 Paul wrote that the grace of God teaches us that “we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world”.  The reason is that this present world is evil, Gal 1:4.  It influenced Demas to forsake Paul, 2 Tim 4:10.  Demas had been Paul’s fellow laborer, Phile 24, Col 4:14.

We should live:

Soberly.  Not under ungodly influences (like alcohol, drugs, worldly pleasures, riches, lusts, ambitions, pride, emotions, recognition, etc).  These things control you.  A sober person is not controlled by these things.  The first part of Titus 2:12 says, “Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts…”.  A sober person denies himself, like Jesus taught his disciples.

Righteously.  A person who lives righteously is guided by righteousness. One of his principle concerns is “doing right”. Most people know the right thing to do.  They just don’t want to do the right thing.  People who are not living righteously are okay doing wrong.  People living righteously “want” to do right.  They yield to the righteousness of Jesus Christ in them.

Godly.  A person who lives godly is under the power and influence of God.  He’s not religious.  Religious people have a form of godliness, but they deny the power thereof, 2 Tim 3:5.   Rather, godly people have the power of God in them.  Paul said, “Be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit”.  A godly person is under the influence of the Holy Spirit, he’s led by the Spirit.  He is under the influence of God’s words.

Conclusion: In this text, we should cut out worldly influences, choose to do right, and yield to God’s Spirit and words in us.