Identify Your Enemies

Identify Your Enemies


Last lesson we studied “friends”. This lesson we are studying about “enemies”. According to this verse we can be deceived, and it may be harder that you think to identify your enemies. An enemy is something who hates or opposes another and tries to harm them or stop them from doing something. We all have enemies.


The World          [James 4:4] [1John2:15-17]

  • The kisses of the world are deceitful!!! It is not your friend, don’t be its.
  • [2Cor.6:14-18] Separation is your answer.
  • [John 15:18-19] because we are not of the world, it is our enemy
  • We are to be separate from our enemy the world but isolated. [John 17:14-16]
  • We should be a light to this dark world.


The Flesh            [Gal.5:16-17]

  • Your flesh and the Spirit are contrary or enemies
  • So that you can’t do the things that you would, [Rom.7:15-20]
  • [Rom.8:13] Mortify the flesh, is your answer.


The Devil             [1 Pet.5:8]

  • He is seeking whom he may DEVOUR
  • You are no match for the Devil, Michael isn’t either [Jude 9]
  • [1 Pet. 5:9] Resist stedfast in the faith, is your answer.


Death                    [1 Cor.15:25-26, 51-58]

  • It is the last enemy that shall be destroyed
  • We have victory over this enemy through the resurrection of Jesus Christ
  • Salvation through Christ is your answer.



Family                  [Matt.10:36] [Micah 7:5-7]

  • Some of your most fierce enemies may be found in your family
  • Sometimes due to envy [Prov.27:4]
  • Sometimes due to your beliefs [Gal.4:16]
  • Sometimes it is Spiritual, and the devil will use a close family member to mess you up. (Before I preach, my precious spouse can become my most fierce enemy, being used by the devil to affect me spiritually.)


Brethren              [Acts 13:49-50]

  • These were Paul’s brethren.
  • They were devout, honourable, and chief men of the city!
  • Your enemy can be right here in this church, some of the most vicious fighting ever has been in the church.


Other People    [2Tim.4:14-15]

  • There is a great amount of evil in this world, and you are not exempt.
  • The more you speak and live your faith, the more persecution you can expect, [2Tim.3:12]


These three all have the same solution:

  1. First you must identify your enemy.
  2. [Prov.16:7] Please the Lord, keep doing the things that please Him.
  3. [Matt.5:44-48] Pray for them
  4. [Rom.12:20-21] Given the opportunity, bless them
  5. [Eph.4:31-32] Forgive them
  6. [Heb.12:14-15] Don’t get bitter
  7. [Rom.12:19] Don’t seek revenge