Isaiah 5:1-7 The Lord’s Vineyard

The Lord’s Vineyard Is. 5: 1-7 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO

In this passage, the Lord compares Israel to a vineyard that produces wild grapes to explain to them why they are going to be destroyed.  Rather than outline the passage, we will study it verse by verse and comment on each verse as we study.

v.1 – my beloved – the Lord of hosts [v.7] – see references to “my beloved” in the Song of Solomon

v.1 – his vineyard – the house of Israel [v.7].

v.1 – fruitful hill – the land of Israel Ps 80:8-11; Deut 11:10-15

v.2 – “fencedgathered stonesplantedbuilt towermade winepress” – Matt 21:33 – spared nothing in preparing his vineyard

v.2 – choicest vine – men of Judah [v.7]

v.2 – wild grapes – influence of false gods of other nations 1 Ki 11:1-10; Ps 106:34-40; see Rom 11:13-17, 24 for the use of “wild” in reference to Gentile nations

v.3 – judge – who’s responsible for these wild grapes?  Am I or is the vineyard?

v.4 – what more – what more could I have done? He had done everything that could possibly have been done to the vineyard.  So, obviously, in judgment, the wild grapes were not the Lord’s fault

v.4 – wherefore – what is the cause of these wild grapes? – Jer 2:21, the degenerate plant

v.5 – what I will do – I’ll take away the hedge, Ps 80:12-13 – and they will be eaten, literally Ps 14:4; Mic 3:3 – I’ll break down the wall – it will be trodden down 2 Ki 25:8-10; Is 63:18; Lk 21:23-24

v.6 – lay waste – not pruned or digged Jn 15:1-3 so it won’t produce

v.6 – briers and thorns – sign of neglect Prov 24:30-31

v.6 – no rain – Deut 11:16-17 – he had warned them that this would happen 1 Ki 9:6-9

v.7 – he looked for judgment – but he found oppression Lev 19:15; Jer 7:5-7 they were oppressing the poor

v.7 – for righteousness – but he heard a cry Ps 106:43-44 instead of turning to righteousness after this kind of rebuke, they were crying in their affiction

Application: When a nation becomes degenerate like this, then it must eventually be destroyed – Nineveh repented under the preaching of Jonah but it was only temporary.  The church is also like this vineyard in that we bring forth fruit for the Lord – the fence is to keep out the influences that will cause wild grapes.  But there are more lost people in churches today than there are saved people.  And once these wild grapes get in there is no getting them out.  They destroy the church.