Jesus’ Early Ministry, Lk 4:14-32

Jesus’ Early Ministry

Jesus’s return in the Spirit’s power, 14-16

In Jesus’ early ministry, the power of the Spirit was evidenced in his teaching and preaching.  In Lk 4:32, his word was with power.  Ecc 8:4, “where the word of a king is there is power”.  1 Cor 2:4 Paul’s speech was “in demonstration of the Spirit and of power”.

Initially, Jesus was glorified of all.  Like Ezek 33:31-32, he sounded good until they had to do something about what they heard him preach.  And then they didn’t like him, at all.

Jesus’s partial fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy, 17-21

Jesus read Is 61:1-2a, “The Spirit of the Lord Gd is upon me; because the Lord hath anointed me…”.  For this scripture to be true of Jesus, he would have to be the Messiah, the Christ.

He came “to preach the acceptable year of the Lord”.  Look where he stopped reading.  Right before “the day of vengeance of our God”.  See Lk 9:51-56.  Jesus came not to destroy but to save them.  Yet, in 2 Thes 1:7-10, he will return, “taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ”.  He will be glorified in his saints, and admired in all them that believe.

Jesus said, “This day is this scripture fulfilled in your eyes”. The portion of Isaiah 61:2b won’t be fulfilled until he returns.  But all the other things recorded in Is 61:1-2a he did in his earthly ministry.

Jesus’s dishonor as a Prophet, 22-27

They heard gracious words out of his mouth.  But then they asked, “Is not this Joseph’s son”?  Jesus was the son of an ordinary carpenter.  How is he saying these words?

No prophet is accepted in his own country, Lk 6:22-23.  Even in Jesus’ early ministry there were those who despised him.

In Lk 4:25-26, Elias was fed by a widow of Sidon, because the country under Ahab and Jezebel was given to Baal worship.  They were killing the prophets, except for the ones Obadiah hid, 1 Ki 18:1-4.  The prophets had no honor.

In Lk 4:27, Eliseus told Naaman, the Syrian, how to be healed.  This was during the time that Ahab and Jehoshaphat attempted to reunite the two kingdoms of Israel and Judah.  At that time, Joram was ready to behead Elisha. 2 Ki 6:31.  That prophet had no honor.

Jesus’s attempted assassination, 28-30

When the Jews heard this, they were filled with wrath.  Contrast Lk 4:22, they wondered at his gracious words.  Now they were ready to kill him.  He told them the truth, but they didn’t want to hear that.  People don’t want to hear the truth; they want to hear what is politically expedient.

Passing through the midst of them he went his way.  See Jn 8:59, 10:39.  This is providential protection until the actual time of his death.

Jesus’s move to Capernaum, 31-32

In Jesus’ early ministry, he moved from Nazareth to Capernaum, Matt 4:13-16.  They were “astonished at his doctrine”.  The reason is that he spoke as one having authority, Matt 7:28-29.  Not as the scribes, Mk 1:22.  Your King James Bible is the “Authorized” Version because of its authority.

To study the previous lesson, see Jesus’ Temptation. To study the next lesson, see Authority and Power.