John’s Birth, Lk 1:57-80

John’s Birth

In this lesson, we’ll study the birth of John the Baptist and the prophesies that Zacharias prophesied after he could speak again.

John’s Birth, Lk 1:57-58

When John was born, Elisabeth’s cousins and neighbors rejoiced with her, since the Lord had shown her mercy, in giving her a son in her old age.

John’s Name, Lk 1:59-63

On the eighth day, John was circumcised, in accordance with God’s covenant with Abraham, Gen 17:10-13.  And they named him “Zacharias”, after his father’s name.  Elisabeth corrected them and called him “John”, so named by the angel of the Lord, Lk 1:13.

The people who named him questioned Elisabeth because John was not a family name.  Evidently, it had become common a few generations before John’s birth to call children by family names, Lk 3:24-25a.  They settled the question by asking Zacharias.

The People’s Reaction, Lk 1:64-66

As soon as Zacharias named John, his mouth was opened and he began praising God. What he said caused the people to fear, as in Lk 7:16, Acts 2:43.  And they repeated what he said throughout all the hill country of Judea (social media is nothing new).  The people realized that there was something very special about this child.  Indeed, “the hand of the Lord was with him”.

Zacharias’ Prophecies, Lk 1:67-79

Zacharias was filled with the Holy Ghost and prophesied.

  • The Lord hath visited and redeemed his people. The first time he did this was when he brought them out of Egypt, 1 Chr 17:21.  The next time will be at the Second Coming of Christ.  He would have accomplished this at his first coming, if Israel had received him as their Messiah, Lk 24:21.
  • The Lord hath raised up an horn of salvation for Israel in the house of David.  You find a reference to his horn of salvation in Ps 18:2 in the context of the Second Coming.
  • The Lord will save Israel from their enemies and from the hand of all that hate them.  This is also in Ps 18 in verse 3.  See also Ps 44:4-8.
  • The Lord will perform his mercy promised to the fathers.  In mercy he led them forth from Egypt, Ex 15:13, and he will perform the mercy he promised in Ex 20:6.  See also Ps 136.
  • The Lord will remember his holy covenant, v.73-75.  The oath that he swore to Abraham, Ps 105:8-11, the promise that they would be delivered out of the hand of their enemies, Gen 22:15-18, and that they would serve him without fear in holiness and righteousness, Deut 28:1-14, Lev 26:3-13, Deut 6:23-25.
  • John shall be called the prophet of the Highest.  The Highest is God, v.32.  Compare Matt 11:9-10 with Mal 3:1.  The person speaking is the LORD, and he said John would prepare the way before “me”.
  • John shall go before the face of the Lord to prepare his ways.  See Mal 3:1 and Is 40:3.
  • John shall give knowledge of salvation to Israel by the remission of their sins.  See Lk 3:3-6.
  • The dayspring from on high hath visited us.  The dayspring is only found here and in Job 38:12.  Compare Mal 4:2.  It’s a reference to Jesus Christ.
  • The dayspring will give light to them that sit in darkness and the shadow of death.  See Is 9:1-2 with Matt 4:12-16.  This is fulfilled by Jesus.
  • The dayspring will guide Israel into the way of peace.  See Ps 128:5-6.  It’s through Jesus that Israel finally has peace.

John’s Childhood, Lk 1:80

After John’s birth, he grew, waxed strong in spirit, and was in the deserts till the day of his shewing unto Israel, Lk 3:1-3.  When it was time to make Jesus known to Israel, John just came on the scene like Elijah did in 1 Ki 17:1.

To study the prior lesson, see Mary With Gabriel and Elisabeth. To study the next lesson, see Jesus’s Birth.