Made Free, Jn 8:31-45

Made Free John 8:31-45 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO

The problem with the Pharisees is that they did not understand the condition that they were in. Jesus tried to explain their condition to them, but they would not receive His words because they were in bondage and blind to their condition. This message will explore what happens when a person comes out of bondage and becomes free by believing on Jesus Christ.

In the Book of Exodus the Jews were slaves to the Pharaoh in Egypt, in the Book of Daniel slaves to Nebuchadnezzar, and in the New Testament under tribute to pay a tax to Caesar. In all three cases they were in bondage, yet they were totally blind to their condition. This is just like the condition of a person today who is lost and has not yet accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. The true condition of an unbeliever is that he is ungodly and is a sinner on his way to Hell without Christ, without God and without hope (Eph. 2:12, Romans 5:6, 8, 10). The lost person also doesn’t want to hear these things because he is in bondage to sin and blind (John 8:34 “Jesus answered them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin.”)

When you get saved by Jesus Christ you are

Made free from your blindness to sin (Luke 4:18, John 9:39-41)

Made free from your bondage to sin (Romans 6:16-22, John 8:32, 8:36)

Made free from the consequences of sin (Romans 6:23, 6:9, 1 Cor. 15:52-57)

Made free from the father of sin (John 8:44, Matt. 3:9)

The Pharisees were in the devil’s family which caused them four problems

They were murders (John 8:37, 8:40, 8:44, Matt. 23:34,)

They were liars (John 8:44, 8:48, Matt. 26)

They were haters of God (John 8:47)

They were deaf (John 8:43, Luke 14:35)