Mature Joy John 17:13 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO
Mature joy comes from sacrificial service, bearing reproach, finishing a job and anticipating the Lord’s return.
Sacrificial service produces maturejoy in knowing that the will of the Lord has been done. The performing of a service in which there is no visible reward from the world is only performed because it is done in obedience to Jesus Christ (Phil. 2:17-18, 2 Cor. 8:2-5).
Bearing reproach produces mature joy when trials test our faith and we are forced to exercise patience because there is joy in knowing that this is the Lord’s way of perfecting us (James 1:2-3, Luke 6:22-23). These trials prepare us to relate to and console others who are going through the same type of experience. There is mature joy in understanding that you will be able to help someone in this way. In the end, it is all for God’s glory.
Finishing the job that God gave you to do produces mature joy because there is satisfaction in completing a task and even more so when it is for the glory of God. Bob Jones Sr. said that the most successful man on the earth is the man that finds out what God wants him to do and then does it (Acts 20:24).
Anticipating the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ produces mature joy in understanding the absolute victory we have in Jesus Christ (John 16:22).