Our Response to God’s Goodness 

Psalm 34:8 “O taste and see that the LORD is good”

Introduction: The goodness of God is one of God’s essential attributes. God has been good to us by giving us family, friends, a home, provisions, protection, blessings, riches, abundance, he supplies our every need and even gives us some of our wants. God has showed us his kindness, his grace, his love, his forbearance, his longsuffering, God has undoubtedly been good to us. 

So, what should be our response towards God for His goodness in our lives? 

Our response toward God’s goodness should be

I. To Remember God’s Goodness– Psalm 145:1-7 When we are going through life, dealing with the day-to-day things we have to do, sometimes we soon forget about how good God has been to us. Because of it, we have to keep the memory of God’s goodness. How do we do that? 

You keep the memory of God’s goodness by:

• Extoling- Vs 1 – to exalt, magnify, and praise God. 

• Repeating- Vs 2 “every day… for ever and ever”. 

• Committing-Vs 4 from generation to generation. II Tim 2:2 

• Speaking- Vs 5 “the glorious honour of thy majesty” “thy wonderous works” 

     Vs 6 “the might of thy terrible acts” “declaring thy greatness” 

     Vs 8 “compassion” “great mercy” 

     Vs 9 of His “goodness to all” “tender mercies” 

II. To Rejoice in God’s Goodness– Exodus 3:6-8 God saw their “affliction, their cry, their sorrows and delivered them out of the hand of the Egyptians”. 

– Exodus 18:1-11 (to rejoice-to be glad). In this case, Jethro rejoiced because of God’s blessings in taking the nation of Israel out of Egypt into the promise land. God was good to the Nation of Israel after he saw their condition. 

– In like manner God will see your affliction, your cry, your sorrows, and will deliver you out of it, if he hasn’t already, and that’s the goodness of God doing so. Because of it, we should rejoice in Him, just like “Jethro rejoiced for all the goodness that God had done to Israel”. 

III. To Thank Him for His Goodness– Palm 136:1 “O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good”. When was the last time, we thanked the Lord, for his goodness in our lives? 

– I Chronicles 29:10-13 David thanked God for His goodness by pointing out God’s greatness, God’s power, God’s glory, God’s victory, God’s majesty and God’s riches. 

– Tonight, is a good time to thank the Lord for how good he’s been in your life and in the lives of those in this church.

Conclusion: The Lord has been so good to us individually and congregationally. Because of it, we should Remember God’s goodness, after we remember God goodness we should rejoice in God’s goodness, and after we Rejoice in God’s goodness, we should Thank Him for His goodness. God is certainly worthy of it all.