Prayer for Missionaries 1 Thess. 5: 25 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO
Paul wrote to the Thessalonians in 1 Thes 5:25, “Brethren, pray for us.” We must pray for our missionaries. Most of the time, in their prayer letters, they let us know for what we should pray. However, there are some things they may not mention. We must pray for their:
Safety – 2 Cor 11:25 – Paul was shipwrecked three times. Our missionaries face road hazards and traveling difficulties that are very dangerous and exhausting. 1 Cor 15:32 – Paul fought with beasts at Ephesus. They also face adversaries who attempt regularly to thwart their efforts to preach the gospel. We must pray for their safety.
Helpful companions – Acts 18:2 – Paul met Priscilla and Aquila in Corinth and they were very helpful to him. God has arranged for missionaries to meet helpful companions on their respective fields. However, these missionaries must be willing and able to work with those whom God has given them. We must pray for those whom God has provided to help.
Health – 1 Tim 5:23 – Timothy was often sick. Missionaries face myriad health problems with the food, water, environment, etc and the Lord must protect their health and give them nutritional wisdom and access to nutritional foods in order to work on their fields.
Provisions – Phil 4:10-15 -Paul was often helped by the Philippians. But they couldn’t always supply his needs. Missionaries, likewise, face financial needs that God must supply. Sometimes they have an abundance and must have the wisdom to properly handle the excess. Sometimes they are short and must have the wisdom to work within these provisions. They must also have the contentment to live without.
Wisdom – Matt 10:16 – the disciples were to be wise as serpents. Acts 9:15 Paul was a chosen vessel for a particular task. It is important that we pray for our missionaries to have the wisdom to work within the culture and laws of the countries in which they serve. There are more missionaries who return from the field because they lacked the wisdom to stay than there are missionaries who stay on the field.
Protection – 2 Tim 4:17 – the Lord had to deliver Paul from the mouth of the lion. The devil is a vicious enemy of the gospel. We must pray for our missionaries to be protected from his efforts to devour them.