The Priority of the Lord’s Harvest Luke 9:57-58

The Priority of the Lord’s Harvest Luke 9:57 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO

In a call from God, his harvest must be your priority.  The priority of the Lord’s harvest takes precedence over everything else in your life.

These priorities can interfere:

The priority of your comforts – Lk 9:57-58 – John the Baptist lived in the wilderness and ate locusts and wild honey, Isaiah walked around naked and barefoot for a few years. Jesus was laid in a manger when he was born and once he entered his ministry never had his own bed, Paul went hungry and thirsty many times, and so forth.  See Prov 24:27.  For us, we put far too much emphasis on our comforts and far too little emphasis on preaching the kingdom of God.  We need to change that and put more emphasis on the Lord’s harvest.  That needs to be our priority.

The priority of your responsibilities – Lk 9:59-60 – in Num 6:7 Nazarites could not defile themselves with the dead body of a man, not even their mother, father, or siblings.  That’s because they were consecrated unto the Lord.  Jesus told this potential disciple that burying his own father was not his responsibility.  We have over emphasized our responsibilities and under emphasized preaching the kingdom of God.  We need to change that and put more emphasis on the Lord’s harvest.  That needs to be our priority.

The priority of your affections – Lk 9:61-62 – this prospective disciple had intentions of not only returning to say farewell but of returning again another day, of looking back.  In this regard he was different that Elisha [1 Ki 19:19-21] who burned the implements and sacrificed the oxen to never return again.  Our missionary family has the great burden of leaving a new grandson, a wayward son and an ill mother to go to the mission field.  Their priorities are shifting to the field and away from “home.”  We over emphasize our love for home and under emphasize our love for souls.    We need to change that and put more emphasis on the Lord’s harvest.  That needs to be our priority.

Conclusion: These seventy disciples in Lk 10:1-2 made the Lord’s harvest their number one priority and nothing else ever took its place.  That’s what we need to do.