Wherein Shall We Return Mal. 3:7

Wherein Shall We Return Mal. 3:7 Part 1 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Wherein shall we return is the title of this broadcast and is quoted from Mal 3:7.  We should return to the God of our forefathers in this country and to the ordinances that they derived from him and from...

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Like A Refiner’s Fire Mal. 3:2-6

Like a Refiner’s Fire Mal.3:2-6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Like A Refiner’s Fire.  The Lord Jesus Christ is like a refiner’s fire at his second coming.  Our God is a consuming fire [Heb 12] – the unrighteous cannot abide his coming [2 Thes 1:7-8] – yet Israel is special because...

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The Deity of Christ Mal. 3:1

The Deity of Christ Mal. 3:1 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This broadcast addresses one very important doctrine in the Bible and one very significant corruption in the modern Bibles.  The doctrine is the deity of Jesus Christ and the corruption is the change of the word “prophets” in Mk 1:2 based...

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Everyone That Doeth Evil Mal. 2:17

Everyone that Doeth Evil Mal. 2:17 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This broadcast is about saying that everyone that doeth evil is good in the sight of the Lord.  You weary the Lord with your words.  You often say something that you don’t really mean.  You honor the Lord with your mouth...

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Bad Marriages Mal. 2:11-16

Bad Marriages Mal. 2:11-16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This message is about bad marriages. Malachi addresses two things: Israel’s intermarriages with other nations and divorce. Intermarriages in Israel – Mal 2:11-13 – The law prohibited Israel from intermarrying with other nations – Ex 34:13-16; Deut 7:1-4 – God said that they...

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Partial in the Law Mal. 2:1-10

Partial in the Law Mal. 2:1-10 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This passage is addressed to the Levitical priests who were partial in the law [2 Chr 15:3; Ezek 44:7]. They allowed unclean things in the sanctuary and they quit teaching the law to the rest of Israel. Even non-Levites entered the...

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Where is Mine Honour Mal. 1:6-14

Where is Mine Honour Mal. 1:6-14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO God gave Malachi words to rebuke Israel because they were not honoring him. He asked, Where is mine honour? He is entitled to their honour in the same way that parents are entitled to honour from their children according to...

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I Loved Jacob But Hated Esau Mal 1:1-5

I Loved Jacob and Hated Esau Mal 1:1-5 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Why did the Lord love Jacob and why did he hate Esau? Not because of predestination – Gen 25:23 [Rom 9:10-14]. He loved Jacob because of: His everlasting love for Israel – Jer 31:2-3 – the Lord loves Israel...

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Obtain the Kingdom by Flatteries Dan. 11:21

Obtain the Kingdom by Flatteries Dan 11:21 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There has been very much public attention given to Nelson Mandela as a great man responsible for ending apartheid in South Africa.  We even flew our nation’s flag at half staff in his honor from Dec 5 to Dec 9,...

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A Virtuous Woman & The Church II Prov. 31:10-31

A Virtuous Woman & the Church II Prov. 31:10-31 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This is a continuation of yesterday’s broadcast.  We find similarities between the virtuous woman of Prov 31 and the Church – examining these similarities will help us understand the Church better – notice the Church’s and the virtuous...

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