Oppressing the Poor Prov. 22: 16

Oppressing the Poor Prov. 22:16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This proverb is about rich men oppressing poor men to increase their wealth.  And make no mistake about it, this is a universal problem. Don’t think for a minute that a politician who always talks about helping the poor is interested in...

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The Rod of Correction Prov. 22: 15

The Rod of Correction Prov. 22:15 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The rod of correction drives out foolishness – very early in a child’s life this foolishness is evident – they have to know that there are bad consequences to bad behavior and that there are good consequences to good behavior. The...

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Pureness of Heart Prov. 22: 11

Pureness of Heart Prov. 22:11 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This lesson is about pureness of heart.  When we think of living in a right relationship with the Lord so that we can be close to him and he will be close to us, we are usually more conscious of what we...

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He Giveth of His Bread to the Poor Prov. 22: 9

He Giveth His Bread to the Poor Prov. 22:9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There are illustrations of this proverb too numerous to relate in a short radio broadcast – but we will relate enough to give you a thorough understanding of the proverb – he giveth of his bread to the...

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Borrower is Servant to the Lender Prov. 22: 7

Borrower is Servant to the Lender Prov. 22 :7 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This is a proverb that you never want to forget – when you go into debt you put yourself in bondage – God never intended for any of us to be in debt – conditions in the world...

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Train Up A Child Prov. 22: 6

Train Up A Child Prov. 22:6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO To train up a child is all important – the Bible says that you have to TRAIN them – not just discipline them or punish them – and it says that you have to train them in the way that they...

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Riches Honor and Life Prov. 22: 4

Riches, Honor & Life Prov. 22:4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The world certainly seems to be interested in riches honor and life but they are deceived by them and about them, as well. Riches – they are currently in the hands of the proud – you find them mostly in entertainment,...

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A Prudent Man Foreseeth the Evil Prov. 22: 3

The Prudent Hide Themselves Prov. 22:3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO A prudent man foreseeth the evil and hideth himself – here is a man that looks far enough down the road to see a danger and then takes precautions to keep from getting hurt or killed – a simple man just keeps...

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A Good Name Prov. 22: 1

A Good Name Prov. 22:1 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO If you had the choice of making more money and blemishing your name to do it or making less money and maintaining a good name what would you do?  Consider the CEO scandals, political scandals, lobbyist scandals that are all the result...

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Safety is of the Lord II Prov. 21: 31

Safety is of the Lord II Prov. 21:31  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Safety is of the Lord.  The cross reference for today is 2 Chr 20. This episode in Israel demonstrates as well as any passage or any event in history that safety is of the Lord.  We should endeavor...

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