Bread of Deceit Prov. 20: 17

Bread of Deceit Prov. 20:17 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Here’s the proverb concerning the bread of deceit: a man will feed you tasty food to deceive you which tastes good at first and then turns to gravel – it damages your teeth, it’s impossible to swallow, and it is incapable of...

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But the Lips of Knowledge Prov. 20: 15

But Lips of Knowledge Prov. 20:15 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This proverb compares the lips of knowledge to gold and rubies.  The lips of knowledge are a precious jewel.  In other words, they are more valuable than rubies and gold. Gold – Gold is highly desirable and is touted as...

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Satisfied with Bread Prov. 20: 13

Satisfied With Bread Prov. 20:13  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This proverb is very simple and shows a direct correlation between the amount of time you spend sleeping and your poverty.  Solomon says that if a man would open his eyes, he would be satisfied with bread.  In other words, opportunities...

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The Hearing Ear and the Seeing Eye Prov. 20: 12

The Hearing Ear & the Seeing Eye Prov. 20:12 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This little proverb is profound in its simplicity.  It shows us some very important things that we never want to forget.  Notice: The ears and the eyes were made by God – The Lord made – Gen 1:1,...

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Even a Child Prov. 20: 11

Even a Child Prov. 20:11  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO You can certainly tell whether a man’s work is pure and right by simply examining it – and his work tells an awful lot about his character.  Even a child is known by his doings.  A man that is lazy will...

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Integrity Prov. 20: 7

Integrity Prov. 20:7 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The characteristic of integrity is one of the most vital characteristics that any man can have. Unfortunately, there are many Christians who have failed in this area of life. What is Integrity? Moral soundness Honesty Freedom from corrupting influence, or motive The idea of...

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Don’t Drink Alcohol Prov. 20: 1

Don’t Drink Prov. 20:1 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Some argue that the Bible doesn’t say, Don’t drink alcohol.  They justify their position with statements like, “Paul told Timothy to drink wine,” [1 Tim 5:23].  Or they’ll say that Jesus drank wine at the Last Supper [Matt 26:29 fruit of the vine...

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Without Knowledge Prov. 19: 2

Without Knowledge Prov. 19: 2 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO You have to learn some things – if you are all the time running around hasting with your feet you will never settle down long enough to read and study – you must take time to think, meditate and read.  It is...

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Show Yourself Friendly Prov. 18: 24

Show Yourself Friendly Prov.18:24  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO You’re going to need friends and the best way to get one is to be one.  You must show yourself friendly.  A lot of people think that they don’t have friends because others aren’t friendly to them.  In fact, they haven’t been...

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