The Fall Out Phil. 1:12-20

The Fall Out Philippians 1:12-20 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Paul got locked up because of preaching the gospel and disobeying the Holy Spirit’s warning.  There was some fall out.  In Antioch– he could have complained, “Is this anyway to treat the preacher?”  “What did I do to deserve this?”  So forth. ...

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My Prayer For You All Phil. 1:9-11

Philippians 1: 9-11 My Prayer for You All CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Paul prayed that God would do for the Philippians certain very specific things in their lives.  My prayer for you is the same: That your love would abound In knowledge connected with truth (Bible) and your relationship with the...

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Encouraging Words Phil. 1:3-8

Philippians 1:3-8 Encouraging Words CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Paul was encouraged by the Philippian saints and these words should be both an encouragement to us and an example to us on how we can encourage others.  He was encouraged by them by their:  Remembrance (v. 3) He remembered them regularly and...

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Bishops and Deacons Phil. 1:1-2

Bishops and Deacons Philippians 1:1-2 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The only two scriptural offices in the church are the bishops and deacons.  The bishop is the overseer. Acts 1:20 Phil 1:1 I Tim 3:1,2, qualified Titus 1:7, qualified I Pet 2:25, comes from Jesus There is not an ecclesiastical hierarchy.   The bishop is also...

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The Woman with the Familiar Spirit, 1 Sam 28:7-19

1 Sam 28:7-19 The Woman with the Familiar Spirit CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO A familiar spirit by definition is a spirit that has a supernatural relationship with people. When a person had a familiar spirit, the spirit could reveal things to him supernaturally that he could not know naturally.  The problem,...

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Out From Under God’s Protection, 1 Sam 27:29

1 Sam 27-29 Out From Under God’s Protection CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO David took matters into his own hands when he decided to go to Achish in Gath of the Philistines to get away from Saul.  He no longer trusted that the Lord could protect him from Saul.  In so doing...

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David Trusted the Lord, 1 Sam 26:1-25

1 Sam 26:1-25 David Trusted the Lord CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO It’s one thing for a man to say that he trusts in the Lord.  But it is a totally different thing to actually trust him.  David trusted the Lord, which is evident by a number of things we find in...

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The Cave Adullam, 1 Sam 22:1-2

1 Sam 22:1-2 The Cave Adullam CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Three kinds of people went to join David in the cave Adullam as he separated himself from Saul.  They were those in distress and in debt and those who were discontented.  Where would have been in David’s day with a narcissistic,...

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