Bible Paradoxes, Mk 8:35

Bible Paradoxes Mk 8: 35 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Recently, in a men’s meeting, a friend of mine preached on the paradoxes in the Bible. It was such an interesting message that I will repeat most of what he said in this message.  These things will help you if you...

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What God Enlarges For Israel, Is 5:14

What God Enlarges For Israel Is 5: 14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In the Bible we find several references to the word “enlarge.”  A number of these references deal directly with Israel.  So, today we are going to see what God enlarges for Israel.  God enlarges: The judgment of Israel –...

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Because of the Force, Jer 48:45

Jer 48 45 Because of the Force CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Jer 48, we see “they that fled stood under the shadow of Heshbon because of the force”. You might remember the Star Wars expression, “May the force be with you”. And you might think that somehow their is...

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Where We Need Patience, Heb 12:1

Where We Need Patience Heb. 12: 1 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We need patience. We are to run our race with patience.  Our race is an endurance race, not a sprint.  The need for patience in our Christian lives is essential in our: Finances – Prov 28:22 – if you...

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Things You Need More Than Money, Prov 16:8

Things You Need More Than Money Prov. 16: 8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Money is, obviously, important.  If you don’t have any, it’s sure hard to pay your bills.  But our attention to obtaining and maintaining wealth can surely obscure some other needs that are much more important than money.  These...

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The Lord’s Prayer, Lk 11:1-4

The Lord’s Prayer Lk 11: 1-4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Lk 11:1, the disciples asked the Lord Jesus Christ to teach them to pray.  He taught them a prayer in Luke 11:2-4.  We commonly call this prayer the Lord’s Prayer.  We should probably more accurately call it the Disciples’ Prayer. ...

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Passing Away, Job 9:25-26

Passed Away Job 9:25-26 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Job talked about the time of death as passing away.  This is where we get the expression, he passed away.  When people die, they pass away.  While they live, their time on earth flies by.  Our time passes swifter than a post,...

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Why Don’t We Witness? Prov 28: 1

Why Don’t We Witness Prov. 28: 1 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We know that we are supposed to witness. And many times we can tell that the Holy Spirit wants us to open our mouths and talk to a particular individual about Jesus Christ. But we hem and haw around until...

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How To Be a Better Witness, Matt 11:19

How To Be a Better Witness Matt 11: 19 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Be A Better Witness By Being A Better Friend Perhaps, to be a better witness you need to be a better friend.  The answer to becoming a better witness is found in becoming a better friend.  If there...

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The Cross, 1 Cor 2:2

The Cross 1 Cor. 2:2 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We must continue to preach the cross.  It is one of the most important aspects of our Christian life.  We are reminded of the cross when we read the Bible, when we sing hymns, and when we preach the gospel of our...

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