Purge Iniquity, Prov 16:6

Purging Iniquity Prov 16:6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO How To Purge Iniquity We Purge Iniquity Through: Salvation Ps 79:9 – when you receive Jesus, God will purge your soul of all sins for eternity.  Our records are clean, forever.  See Heb 1:3.  And salvation can also purge some folks by an...

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What a Disciple of Christ Does, Jn 8:31

What a Disciple of Christ Does Jn 8: 31 CLICK TITLE FOR ADUIO In the prior broadcast we preached on being a disciple of Christ.  He’s one that denies himself, takes up his cross, follows Jesus and forsakes all.  I asked you to count the cost, to see if you were...

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A Disciple of Christ, Acts 11:26

A Disciple of Christ Acts 11: 26 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Acts 11:26 we find that “the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch.”  They were called Christians because they were followers of Christ.  Today, there are many who are called Christians but they are not disciples.  They don’t follow...

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Dealing With A Prodigal, Is 59:16

Dealing With A Prodigal Is 59:16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Many of us have children who have strayed to the world.  We are living in the perilous times of 2 Tim 3:1-5, so it’s not surprising.  Nevertheless, it hurts and we must know what to do.  Here’s what dealing with...

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The Counterfeit, 2 Cor 11:14

The Counterfeit 2 Cor. 11: 14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Devil is a Counterfeit Jesus The devil is the enemy of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Yet, when he presents himself, he often manifests himself as the antitype of Jesus.  And when he works through a religion, he is a counterfeit. ...

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Confidence in the Lord, Ps 27:1-3

Confidence in the Lord Ps. 27: 1-3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Is Your Confidence in the Lord? When it comes to our life in the Lord, you must ask yourself this question.  In what or in whom am I placing my confidence.  Now, we are going to automatically say, “The Lord.” ...

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The Mystery of the Rapture, 1 Cor 15:51

The Mystery of the Rapture 1 Cor. 15:51 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Mystery of the Rapture What is the mystery of the rapture (1 Cor 15:51)? It is the return of the Lord Jesus Christ to catch away his bride.  It is a mystery because it was unknown to God’s...

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The Mystery of Iniquity, 2 Thes 2:7

The Mystery of Iniquity 2 Thes. 2:7 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Mystery of Iniquity is the Antichrist The mystery of iniquity is the antichrist.  But why is he referred to in 2 Thes 2:7 as the “mystery” of iniquity.  There are several reasons why the antichrist is a mystery. The...

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The Mystery of Godliness, 1 Tim 3:16

The Mystery of Godliness 1 Tim 3:16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Mystery of Godliness is the Deity of Jesus Christ In the Bible, ministers of Christ are to be stewards of the mysteries of God (1 Cor. 4:1). There are seven mysteries of God.  The one we’re talking about today...

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Freedom From Sin, Jn 8:33-36

Freedom From Sin Jn 8: 33-36 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Your Freedom From Sin When people get saved, some experience an immediate deliverance from sins, like drugs and alcohol. Others experience a hard fought victory over sins.  They both have freedom from sin. So, why the difference? When you are...

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