The Lord’s Side, Ex 32:26

The Lord’s Side Ex. 32: 26 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When the children of Israel sinned against the Lord in Ex 32, “Moses stood in the gate of the camp, and said, Who is on the Lord’s side? Let him come unto me.  And all the sons of Levi gathered themselves...

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Christians Who Don’t Please God

Christians Who Don’t Please God Rom 8: 8 CLICK TITLE FOR  AUDIO God has given us clear doctrine in the Bible concerning what pleases him.  We covered four of these things in a sermon entitled Ye Ought to Please God.  Gospel preaching, obedience, faith, and spiritual sacrifices please the Lord.  Today,...

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Take It Patiently, 1 Pet 2:20

Take It Patiently 1 Pet 2:20 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Take It Patiently According to 1 Pet 2:20, when you are wrong and take it patiently, there is no glory in that.  Like Lam 3:39 says, “Wherefore doth a living man complain, a man for the punishment of his sins?” Likewise,...

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The Good Shepherd, Jn 10:1-15

The Good Shepherd Jn 10:1-15 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The good shepherd is Jesus Christ. And just like a good shepherd, he calls us by name, he leads us out, he gives us abundant life, and he laid down his life for us.  He is the exact opposite of the thief,...

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The Thief, Jn 10:10

The Thief Jn 10:10 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We can contrast the thief in Jn 10 with the shepherd. Today, we will study the thief and in the following broadcast, we will study the shepherd.  The thief represents the devil and his followers [Jn 10:8] who work for him [see 2...

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The True Vine, Jn 15:1-10

The True Vine Jn 15: 1-10 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Jesus Christ Is The True Vine We will study Jesus Christ, the true vine, today and learn some things about him and about ourselves that will help us understand why he used this type to teach us about bearing fruit. The...

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Do You Believe Heaven Is Real? Col 3:1-2

Do You Believe Heaven Is Real? Col 3:1-2 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Do You Believe Heaven Is Real Can you say with absolute assurance, “When I die, I’m going to heaven?” You can if you have trusted the finished work of Jesus Christ on Calvary.  You will undoubtedly answer, “Yes” if...

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A Fool’s Delight, Prov 19:10

A Fool’s Delight Prov. 19:10 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO A Fool’s Delight Solomon said that delight is not seemly for a fool.  Delight is something that gives great pleasure or satisfaction.  See Ecc 2:8.  Seemly means “suitable or fitting.”  So, something that gives great pleasure or satisfaction is not suitable or...

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Pretense, Gen 27:42-46

Pretense Gen. 27: 42-46 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Introduction A pretense is a false claim or profession; a false reason or plea; a pretending.  It is one of the most common ways to lie in life and you see it repeatedly in the Bible.  For example, a person pretends when he...

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Encourage Him, Deut 1:38

Encourage Him Deut. 1:38 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Lord told Moses to encourage Joshua, his replacement, as he was about to lead Israel into the Promised Land.  He needed to encourage him because he was going to cause Israel to inherit the land.  We likewise need to encourage our replacements...

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