Why Christians Won’t Leave Egypt, Ex 14:12

Why Christians Won’t Leave Egypt Ex 14:12 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Ex 14:12 says, “Is not this the word that we did tell thee in Egypt, saying, Let us alone, that we may serve the Egyptians? For it had been better for us to serve the Egyptians, than that we should...

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Christianity and Islam Contrasted

Christianity and Islam Contrasted CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Can Christianity and Islam be reconciled? No. There are those who would have you believe that the God of Christianity and the god of Islam are the same God that simply go by different names.  However, a study of the Koran and the...

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Victory Over Sin, Part 2

Victory Over Sin, Part 2 Rom 6:11-12 – Die to the old man.  Remember that, as far as God is concerned, you are doctrinally a “dead man”.  You are crucified with Christ, Gal 2:20.  You must daily die to yourself, 1 Cor 15:31.  Visualize Christ on that cross.  Christ died there...

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Victory Over Sin, Part 1, Rom 7:15-21

Victory over sin is a moment by moment and day by day thing.  You don’t wake up one day and suddenly find that you have no more trouble with sin in your life.  Your trouble with sin stems from one of two problems: 1. You are unsaved and therefore incapable of...

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God Hates Sin, Loves Sinners? Ps 5:5

Does God Hate Sin, Love Sinners Ps 5:5 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Is it true that God hates sin and loves sinners?  Or does he hate the sinner, too?  This is an unpopular question to answer because of the Biblical truth. The question is a good one that has been asked...

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Lessons from David and Goliath, 1 Sam 17:34-54

1 Sam 17:34-54 Lessons from David and Goliath CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The historical account of David and Goliath is well known.  So, we won’t retell it.  However, there are some fabulous lessons from this account and we will elaborate on those. Smaller trials prepare you for tougher battles – 1...

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No Restraint to the Lord, 1 Sam 14:6

1 Sam 14:6 No Restraint to the Lord CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Jonathan encouraged his armor bearer to go with him to fight against a garrison of the Philistines by reminding him that there is no restraint to the Lord to save by many or by few.  So, the two of...

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Making Decisions, Prov 4:23

Making Decisions Prov. 4:23 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Here are some considerations to help you when you are making decisions.  Remember that your heart makes your decisions; not your mind.  Your heart is revealed in your decisions.  So, you must keep your heart with all diligence.  The heart can be...

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Thanksgiving Psalm, 1 Chr 16:7-36

Thanksgiving Psalm 1 Chr.16:7-36 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The psalm recorded in 1 Chr 16 is a thanksgiving psalm.  It is also recorded in Ps 105.  We can follow the example of David in this thanksgiving psalm to help understand things for which we can thank God.  As in this thanksgiving...

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Meekness, Ps 45:4

Meekness Ps. 45:4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Ps 45:4 is a prophecy concerning the Second Coming of Jesus.  He rides prosperously because of his meekness, truth and righteousness.  In Jn 14:6, Jesus says that he is the truth.  In 1 Cor 1:30, he is made unto us righteousness.  But what is...

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