God Why? Job 34:10-12

God, Why? Job 34:10-12 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When men get into a situation from which they believe God should have spared them or that God should have made turn out differently than it did, they ask God Why?  When they ask that question there are several things going on...

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Youthful Pride, 1 Ki 12:6-11

Youthful Pride 1 Ki 12: 6-11 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There is a cockiness in young people, ordinarily.  We’ll call it youthful pride.  As you can see from 1 Ki 12:6-11, Rehoboam had it, even though he was 41 years old when he ascended to the throne [1 Ki 14:21].  Youthful...

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A Balanced Christian, Prov 11:1

Spiritual Giant or Practical Christian Prov. 11: 1 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO for a Balanced Christian Proverbs 11:1 says, in part, “A false balance is abomination to the Lord.”  In the context, this verse applies to maintaining a balance between your spiritual life and your physical life.  You should be a balanced...

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How to Handle an Offense, Prov 14:10

How To Handle An Offense Prov. 14: 10 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO of How to Handle an Offense In the Christian life, you are going to be hurt by another Christian at some point in your life.  It seems that everyone goes through this experience at least once.  And some folks go...

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They Spend Their Days in Wealth, Job 21

They Spend Their Days In Wealth, Job 21:13-15 They Spend Their Days in Wealth Job 21:13-15 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO You may wonder from time to time why men say to the Lord, Depart from us.  If you are a saved person you cannot imagine that men would want God out...

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Justification, The Doctrine, Rom 3:26

The Doctrine of Justification Rom. 3: 26 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The doctrine of justification has been a problem doctrine for Christians and for lost people who don’t understand it.  There is a tendency to believe that you must DO something to get saved and thus justify yourself by the deeds...

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Why Do The Heathen Rage, Ps 2:1-3

Why Do The Heathen Rage Ps. 2:1-3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Psalm 2 begins with the question, Why do the heathen rage?  The answer is found in the first three verses of the chapter and then the next two verses show you God’s response to their rage.  We are going to...

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The Lord’s Delight, 1 Sam 15:22

The Lord’s Delight 1 Sam 15: 22 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO If we can see from the scriptures the Lord’s delight, then we can do those things with the certainty that he will be pleased.  What are the things that are the Lord’s delight?  The Lord delights in: Obedience – 1 Sam...

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Equity, Ps 98:9

Equity Ps 98:9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In ten different verses in the Bible we find a reference to equity.  Equity is defined in Webster’s Third New International Dictionary as a free and reasonable conformity to accepted standards of natural right, law, and justice without prejudice, favoritism, or fraud and without...

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God’s Light on Sin, 1 Jn 1:5-10

God’s Light on Sin 1 Jn 1:5-10 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Jn 1:5 tells us that God is light.  When we are truly dealing with Him, the light of God will show us some things that you can only see by his light.  For instance, if you track a deer...

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