Jesus’ Birth and Early Childhood, Lk 2 and Matt 2

This lesson is on the birth and early childhood of Jesus Christ from Matt 2 and Lk 2.  There is often confusion about the timing of the events recorded in these two gospels.  Some of this confusion stems from the Christmas traditions, like nativity scenes and Christmas carols.  Here’s the...

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Pauls Objectives, Phil 3:7-12

Pauls Objectives Phil.3:7-12 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Pauls objectives when it came to Jesus Christ were very simple.  He desired to win, know and apprehend Christ.  I’m thankful to Pastor John Robinson, of Bible Believers Baptist Church in Hillsboro, Oregon, who preached this text at a recent pastors’ conference.  It...

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Dagon 1 Sam. 5:1-5

 Dagon 1 Sam. 5:1-5  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Dagon is the fish god of the Philistines.  It is interesting when the ark is put in the house of Dagon that the statue falls to the ground before the ark.  And on the next day it is on the ground again but this time...

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The Word of God

1 Sam 3:1-21 The Word of God CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO 1 Sam 3 is one of the great chapters in the Bible on the word of God.  In this chapter we see a number of things concerning the word of God that are very instructive to us today. The...

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Good Moderate Habits, Phil 4:5

Good Moderate Habits Phil 4:5  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Good moderate habits are essential to building good Christian character and developing a strong Christian life.  Likewise, good convictions are essential.  We preached a sermon titled “Your Convictions” on Sept 26, 2018, which you may read and to which you may...

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Idols and Priest of Micah

Judges 17:1-13 The Young Man Became Micah’s Priest CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Jud 17:1-13, we see something terribly wrong with the idols and priest of Micah.  Micah making these idols and consecrating this priest is what’s wrong with a religion doing this today.  In this passage, consecrating Micah’s priest entailed: The wrong concept...

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Fulfilled Prophecy, Is 48:3

Fulfilled Prophecy Is 48:3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Two of the distinguishing characteristics of the Bible are prophecy and fulfilled prophecy.  Is 48:3 is a profound passage wherein God declares the former things and then brings them to pass.  See also Is 46:9-10, Is 42:8-9.  Only the God of the...

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Some Problems With Idolatry, Jud 18:1-31

Jud 18:1-31 Some Problems with Idolatry CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Idolatry, in and of itself, is unlawful [Exodus 20:4-6] and consequential in that it continues through successive generations and incurs the wrath of God.  In this passage, the idolatry of Micah gets transferred to the Danites and ultimately leads to their downfall...

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Pray for Others, 1 Sam 12:23

Pray for Others 1 Sam. 12:23 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO As a judge in Israel, Samuel considered the failure to pray for others in Israel a sin.  Samuel said, “God forbid that I should sin against the Lord in ceasing to pray for you…” [1 Sam 12:23].  Perhaps, it is not...

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Saul’s Spiritual Character Flaws, 1 Sam 13:11-16

1 Sam 13:11-16 Saul’s Spiritual Character Flaws CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Saul did something very foolish when he offered a burnt offering.  His foolish decision revealed some spiritual flaws in his character that plagued him for the rest of his life.  These flaws were that: He knew what he was doing was...

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