How the Devil Attacks Christians, Eph 6:10-18

How the Devil Attacks Christians Eph. 6:10-18 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We know that the devil has many devices in his arsenal and we are not to be ignorant of his devices [2 Cor 2:11].  Therefore, we are to understand how the devil attacks Christians.  We can tell how the...

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Strive Lawfully, 2 Tim 2:5

Strive Lawfully 2 Tim. 2:5 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO You and I must strive lawfully if we hope to be crowned at the judgment seat of Christ [2 Tim 2:5].  One of the crowns available is the incorruptible crown [1 Cor 9:25].  To be crowned with that one, we must...

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Set Your Heart, 1 Chr 22:19

Set Your Heart 1 Chr. 22:19 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When you read through 1st Chronicles you see many instances of David accomplishing great things.  In every case, it was the Lord who did the mighty things for David or through David.  At the end of his life, we see David...

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Unknown Tongues, 1 Cor 14

Unknown Tongues 1 Cor. 14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This broadcast is on the unknown tongues of 1 Cor 14.  You are going to learn that the modern movement of speaking in unknown tongues is not Biblical. People who have experienced speaking in unknown tongues, either by speaking in tongues themselves...

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Two Sides to Every Coin, 1 Sam 16:7

Two Sides to Every Coin 1 Sam. 16:7 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Lord said to Samuel in 1 Sam 16:7, “Look not on his countenance…” We have a tendency to make judgments about people based upon what we see and hear.  The Lord said he doesn’t look on the outward...

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Overcome the Wicked One, 1 Jn 2:12-14

Overcome The Wicked One 1 Jn 2:12-14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO John said to the young men in 1 Jn that ye have overcome the wicked one [1 Jn 2:13-14].  And this is true of born again believers [1 Jn 5:12-13].  Now once you have overcome the wicked one through salvation...

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God Chastens His Sons, Heb 12:5-11

According to Heb 12:5-11, if you are a child of God, then you are going to be chastened by God in your life.  In this passage, there is a good bit to learn about God’s chastisement.   God chastens us for: Our Profit – Heb 12:10 – ”but he for...

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We Cry Abba Father, Rom 8:14-16

When we were saved, God became our Father. We cry Abba Father. We are born as children of God. And as his children, God has desires for us, just like earthy fathers have desires for their children. Our Father desires fellowship – 1 Jn 1:3-7 – our Father loves to...

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Baptized for the Dead, 1 Cor 15:29

Baptized for the Dead 1 Cor. 15::29 CLICK TITLE OR AUDIO  In 1 Cor. 15:29, “baptized for the dead” is the water baptism of saved people who are “dead with Christ” and who will be raised “like as Christ was raised up from the dead.” This verse of scripture has been...

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Passive Aggressive Behavior, 2 Sam 14:28-33

Passive Aggressive Behavior 2 Sam. 14:28-33 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO I don’t really like calling this message Passive Aggressive Behavior because that is a term applied by Psychology to the behavior that we are going to discuss today. Nevertheless, I chose that title because you may have heard it and be...

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