The God of Salvation, 1 Chr 16:34-36

The God of Salvation 1 Chron. 16:34-36 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In the last part of the psalm that we have been studying in 1 Chr 16, David refers to the Lord as the God of our salvation.  Truly the Lord is the God of salvation.  In particular, he is the...

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The God of the Whole Earth, 1 Chr 16:28-33

The God of the Whole Earth 1 Chron.16:28-33 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The wonderful thing about the God of the Bible is that he is the God of the whole earth.  You may not realize that now, but you surely will when Jesus returns to rule the earth and to...

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Our Guide Even Unto Death, Ps 48:14

Death is inevitable.  It came as a consequence of Adam’s sin and has been passed down to all of us.  None can escape it.  And death won’t be destroyed until after the millennial reign of Jesus Christ.  1 Cor 15:25-26, “For he must reign, till he hath put all enemies...

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The Lord Was With Him, Gen 39:3

The Lord Was With Him Gen. 39:3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In the Bible you find the expression, the Lord was with him, in conjunction with several notable men.  We are going to study these men to see why the Lord was with them and how the Lord being with them...

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Trust God, Ps 118: 8-9

Trust God Ps.118: 8-9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man or in princes.  The reason that it is better to trust God is that when we trust God: God gives us help – Ps 28:7 – God can help...

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Sin Against the Holy Ghost, Eph 4:30

Sins Against the Holy Ghost Eph. 4:30 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO After you are saved, you need to be especially careful not to sin against the Holy Ghost.  You sin against the Holy Ghost when you: Grieve him – Eph 4:30 – you grieve the Holy Ghost by disobeying him [Heb 13:17].  He...

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Anointing the Priests, Ex 28:41

Anointing the Priests Ex. 28:41 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When you read about anointing the priests in the Old Testament, you see four words used in connection with their service: anoint, consecrate, sanctify and hallow, Ex 29:21.  These words are so similar that you think they can be used interchangeably.  But...

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A Wounded Spirit, Prov 18:14

A Wounded Spirit Prov. 18:14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO According to Prov 18:14 a wounded spirit is unbearable.  Often, the one who has wounded your spirit is your child.  Notice what the Bible says.  A foolish son is a grief to his father and bitterness to her that bare him [Prov...

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Mountain Top Experiences, Lk 23:33

Mountain Top Experiences Lk. 23:33 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We all go through trials and temptations in the valleys of life.  But there are certainly some wonderful mountain top experiences, as well.  Today we are going to look at some of these mountain top experiences in hopes that you will...

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