Veterans Day, 2 Sam 23:8-39

Each year on Nov 11 we observe Veterans Day.  Nov 11, 1918 is the date of the armistice between the Allied Forces and Germany in WWI.  The cessation of hostilities went into effect at the 11th hour, on the 11th day, in the 11th month, in 1918, and this is...

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The Desires of Thine Heart, Ps 37:4

The Desires of Thine Heart Ps 37:4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The desires of thine heart are, by definition, the things that you long or hope for – so when a man longs or hopes for a Boone and Crockett deer he will spend his money on leases and hunting gear and he...

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Different Attitudes About Sin, Lk 16:15

Different Attitudes About Sin Lk 16:15 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO People have different attitudes about sin.  Today, we are going to preach about these different attitudes in an effort to expose them.  Hopefully, our depictions will be clear enough for you to find yourself in the list.  In this study on...

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How God Chastens Us, Ps 94:12

As we saw in the prior broadcast, the Lord chastens us.  He chastens us because he loves us.   He wants us to partake of his holiness and bear the peaceable fruit of his righteousness.  In this broadcast, we will see how God chastens us.  God chastens us: With His...

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How Countries Are Destroyed, Matt 12:25

How Countries Are Destroyed Matt. 12:25 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Bible shows us how countries are destroyed.  Countries are destroyed by: Internal Strife – Matt 12:25 – “Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation” Wicked Rulers – 2 Ki 21:10-16 – “Because Manasseh king of Judah hath done...

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Jesus the Good Shepherd, Jn 10:11

Jesus the Good Shepherd Jn 10:11 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO By comparison to a shepherd we understand that Jesus the good shepherd: Seeks – Lk 15:4-7; 19:10 – he came “to seek and to save that which was lost.” We are not Calvinistic, but we believe the Holy Spirit must be...

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The Devil is a Unifier, Is 10:13

In Is 10:13 we read that the devil has “removed the bounds of the people.”  You might remember from our prior broadcast that the Lord is the one who set the bounds, in order to keep the nations separate [Deut 32:8; Acts 17:26].  So, the devil is a unifier, whereas...

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God is a Divider, Gen 1:4

In Gen 1:4 you begin to see immediately that God is a divider.  Look at Gen 1:6, 14, 18, as well. I have heard many people talking about getting everybody “together.”  One fellow tells me from time to time that we could get so much more done for the Lord...

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Be Of Good Cheer, Matt 9:2

Be Of Good Cheer Matt 9:2 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Five times the Bible tells us to be of good cheer.  These five references are situated in the context of men dealing with difficulties.  Therefore, we can be encouraged to be of good cheer when we face difficult circumstances in our...

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How You Influence Others, Jn 1:40-42

The Influence You Can have On Others Jn. 1:40-42 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO You must remember to consider how you influence others in their walk with the Lord.  You can influence others to: Receive Christ – Jn 1:40-42, Jn 4:39.  Consider how you influence others to trust Christ.  Andrew influenced Peter...

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