Eternal Security, 1 Jn 5:11-13

Eternal Security 1 Jn 5:11-13 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This study is for the benefit of those who are saved and believe in eternal security but don’t know well enough from the Bible why they believe it or how to teach someone else why they should believe it.  This study...

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Verses Refuting Eternal Security

Verses Supposedly Refuting Eternal Security CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO One of the great difficulties among those who believe you can lose your salvation is the inability to see what a verse says in its context.  They are so convinced that they can lose their salvation that they read their belief into...

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False Witnesses and Gossips, Deut 19:16-21

False Witnesses and Gossips Deut 19:16-21 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO I have seen, over the years, a terrible flaw in human nature that is prevalent even among Christians.  The flaw is intentional or unintentional lying about another person and it is often connected with gossiping.  You hear something, or you may...

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Hard Hearted Pharaoh, Prov 29:1

Hard Hearted Pharaoh Prov. 29:1 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Today’s broadcast is about hard hearted Pharaoh. Prov 29:1 says, “He that being often reproved hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy.”  Such was the case for Pharaoh.  He was often reproved and yet he hardened himself against...

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The Originals, Ex 32:16

The Originals Ex. 32:16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Often when you read a missionary, pastor or church’s statement of faith regarding the Bible, you will find mention of the originals, referring to the original autographs.  Generally, these statements will affirm that the person or church believes that God “inspired” the originals...

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Before Its Too Late, Gen 18:14

Before It’s Too Late Gen. 18:14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Have you been burdened for your friends or relatives because they aren’t saved yet?  Why don’t you tell them about Jesus or witness to them again before its too late?  I realize that the decision to trust Christ rests with each...

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Just Two or Three, Deut 17:6

According to Deut 17:6, just two or three witnesses are sufficient to establish the evidence necessary to bring a conviction against a man for murder.  One witness is not sufficient, but more than three are not necessary.  Likewise, we find that just a few are sufficient for us in other...

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Implacable, Rom 1:31

According to Rom 1:28, 31, a person with a reprobate mind is, among other things, implacable.  Implacable means, “incapable of being significantly changed or modified.”  It also means inexorable, “not to be persuaded or moved by entreaty or prayer: unyielding.”  So, when a person is implacable, you can’t change him...

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Get Past Your Past, Phil 3:13

Get Past Your Past Phil 3: 13 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Many Christians are plagued with regrets from the past; they seem to be stuck in a rut.  So, they go to counselors, bookstores, best friends, the internet, and a variety of other places looking for a way to forget the...

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Balanced in Your Service, Col 3:22-24

Balance in Your Service Col. 3:22-24 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO You need to be balanced in your service to your employer and to the Lord – Col 3:22-24 says, “Servants, obey in all things your masters according to the flesh…” – and it also says, “whatsoever ye do, do it heartily,...

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