Jesus Gave Himself For Us, Titus 2:14

Jesus Gave Himself For Us Titus 2:14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO According to Titus 2:14, Jesus gave himself for us that he might redeem us from all iniquity.  But that’s not all.  There are three other things in the verse for which he gave himself. His primary desire, of course,...

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Profitable Scripture, 2 Tim 3:16

2 Tim 3:16 says all scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable…. For scripture to be profitable to you, there are three things you should do: Understand the scripture – Job 32:8 – it is the Holy Spirit’s desire that you understand the words of God.  He...

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Perceive the Words, Prov 1:2

Prov 1:2 says, “to perceive the words of understanding.”  In Bible study, you certainly want to be able to perceive what the Bible says.  When you perceive the words, you “see” them.  You can say, “I get it.”  You can “make out” what God said.  This broadcast is on how...

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When The Wicked Beareth Rule, Prov 29:2

Prov 29:2 says, “When the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.”  In the recent history of the United States of America, you have not seen how bad it can get when the wicked beareth rule.  But if the day of the Lord’s return is still a long way off, you...

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Remedy for the Fear of Man, Eph 5:21

Remedy for the Fear of Man Eph 5:21 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this lesson we are going to look in the Bible for a remedy for the fear of man.  I will tell you very simply what it is and then we will illustrate this since you have seen...

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Saul Wasn’t What He Pretended To Be

Saul was made king over Israel.  But he never became the king he pretended to be or the king that God wanted him to be.  He never lived up to the reputation he wanted to have.  He always wanted others to believe that he was a better king than he...

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Confession of Sin, 1 Jn 1:9

Confession of Sin 1 Jn. 1:9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Today’s message is on confession of sin.  What is confession?  Confession is admission, acknowledgement [as in the acknowledgement and confession of sin – Ps 32:5; and the acknowledgement of the truth – 2 Tim 2:25]; to confess is to concede...

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We Do Not Well, 2 Ki 7:8-9

There were four leprous men living outside of Samaria [2 Ki 7:3] who were suffering through a famine while Samaria was being besieged by the Syrians [2 Ki 6:24-25]. These men were facing certain death if they did nothing [2 Ki 7:3].  They would die from the famine if they...

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Under the Blood, Ps 32:1

Under the Blood Ps. 32:1 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We had a question from a radio listener that we decided to answer in this broadcast.  The question concerns sins that are “under the blood.”  Here’s the question:“Thought maybe you could help answer a question that came up recently while having a...

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Contrast the Devil and The Lord, Acts 26:18

There is a great contrast between the devil and the Lord.  They are diametrically opposed.   Notice these qualities of the Devil Darkness – Eph 6:12 he is among the rulers of the darkness of this world; though he has transformed himself into an angel of light to counterfeit the...

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