Tell the Truth, Eph 4:25

Tell the Truth Eph 4:25 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO It is amazing how dishonest people are today – there is dishonesty in marketing – advertisers portray certain things in their advertising in order to get you to buy their products – the package might say “no cholesterol” or “no fat” but...

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The Sovereignty of God, Is 40:12-28

The Sovereignty of God Is 40:12-28 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This message on the sovereignty of God is not about Calvinism.  This message is about God’s sovereignty in other matters besides salvation.  Certainly, he is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.  There are those...

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The Greatest Friend of All, Jn 15:14

The Greatest Friend of All John 15:14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We have been preaching a good bit on friends the last few days and indeed we need good friends.  But lest we overshadow the greatness of Jesus Christ as the greatest friend of all, we need to preach about him...

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How To Make Friends, Prov 18:24

How To Make Friends Prov. 18:24 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Prov 18:24 says that you must shew yourself friendly – in other words, when you are a friend it shows – show your love, show your care, show your generosity, show your thoughtfulness, show your gratitude – your friendship is...

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An Adulterous Woman, Lev 20:10

An Adulterous Woman Lev 20:10 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Often when the subject of adultery is preached, the pastor gets on the men about committing this sin.  But today we are going to have fair balance.  This lesson is about the adulterous woman, exclusively.  There have been incidences of adultery...

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Why Do Bad Things Keep Happening, Jn 10:10

Why Do Bad Things Keep Happening Jn. 10:10 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We are often asked why God allows evil in the world.  Why do bad things keep happening?  A radio listener called last week and asked, “Why does Jesus allow all the beheading and baby killing to go on?”  These...

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All Things New, Rev 21:5

All Things New Rev. 21:5 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Rev 21:5 says, “And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful.” As a result of what Christ did for us, not only do...

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The World’s View of Christians, Jn 17:14

The World’s View of Christians Jn. 17:14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This lesson is about the worlds view of Christians.  From time to time you hear comments from high profile people or the media stating that Christians are hateful or that Christians are bigoted or that Christians are narrow minded...

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Affections, Col 3:2

Affections Col. 3:2 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Affection is a moderate feeling or emotion: a kind feeling: a tender attachment: love.  Today we are going to study the various affections mentioned in the Bible to help us understand where our affection ought to be and where they ought not to be....

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Do Right, Prov 20:11

Do Right Prov. 20:11 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We often speak of yielding to the righteousness of Jesus Christ in us so that the Holy Spirit will conform us to the image of Jesus.  You can see how yielding to the righteousness of Jesus would help a fellow to keep from...

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