So Shall My Word Be, Is 55:8-13

So Shall My Word Be Is 55: 8-13 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Is 55:8-13, the Lord describes what happens when his word is sent out.  And notice, he is not just talking about what people say that God said, he’s talking about “my word… that goeth forth out of...

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Two Kinds of Messengers, Prov 25:13

Two Kinds of Messengers Prov. 25: 13 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Proverbs, there are two kinds of messengers for us to consider: the faithful messenger and the wicked messenger.  The faithful messenger is found in Prov 25:13 and the wicked messenger is found in Prov 13:17.  The question is this,...

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A Strong Mans House, Mk 3:27

The Strong Man’s House Mk 3:27 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When Jesus rebuked the scribes for saying that he had Beelzebub, he said Satan would not rise up against himself, and he added this, “No man can enter into a strong mans house, and spoil his goods, except he will first...

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In a Dark Place, Jn 3:19-20

In a Dark Place Jn 3:19-20 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Have you ever heard the expression, He’s in a dark place?  It is often used to describe someone whose behavior is evil or who has withdrawn and is so depressed that he could be considered suicidal or something like that.  Well,...

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A Time To Every Purpose, Ecc 3:1

A Time To Every Purpose Ecc 3: 1 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Ecc 3:1 Solomon wrote, there is a time to every purpose.  God is extremely precise in his timing for every purpose.  In Gen 1:14, God set the lights for “days” and for “years.”  And so he already knows...

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Josiah’s Pattern for Life, 2 Chr 34:3

Josiah’s Pattern for Life 2 Chr.34: 3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Josiah’s life is a great pattern for life, particularly, the Christian Life, but for one thing.  He started off seeking the Lord at a young age and he grew in his walk with the Lord throughout his life. He sought the Lord when he...

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Sinners to Repentance, Mk 2:17

Sinners to Repentance Mk 2:17 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Pharisees questioned why Jesus ate and drank with publicans and sinners.  The answer is that the Lord calls sinners to repentance.  Notice: The Lord calls sinners – no need to clean up first and make yourself “look” presentable to the...

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Your Past, Matt 26:6

Your Past Matt. 26:6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Your past is part of who you are – it may not be pretty and you don’t need to go around defiling others with what you have done – but your past is just that, it is YOUR past – we are...

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Four Kinds of Hearts, Mk 6:8

Four Kinds of Hearts Mk 6:8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In the Book of Mark we are going to study four kinds of hearts.  A good look at these hearts will hopefully shed some light on the condition of our hearts.  Once we know what’s wrong with our hearts it will...

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How To Witness, John 4:10

How To Witness Jn 4:7-10 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO One of the greatest joys in the world comes from witnessing to people who are lost.  There is nothing that I have ever experienced that brings me greater joy than to see the Holy Spirit working on a soul when you are...

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