Wandering Out Of The Way, Prov 21:16

Wandering Out Of The Way Prov. 21: 16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Prov 21:16 says, “The man that wandereth out of the way of understanding shall remain in the congregation of the dead.”  This is one of the most ignored verses in the Bible.  It speaks of a specific right way...

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Your Epitaph, Ecc 7:1

Your Epitaph Ecc. 7: 1 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Do you ever think about what people will say about you after you’re dead?  I don’t mean what they’ll say about you at your funeral.  At funerals, the deceased is the best dad, the best man, the best mother, the best woman,...

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Shushan Was Perplexed, Est 3:8-15

Shushan Was Perplexed Est 3: 8-15 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Haman had convinced King Ahasuerus to let him write a decree to destroy all of the Jews, men, women, and children, in his provinces and to take the spoil of them into the king’s treasures.  The decree was to be published...

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God Desires Fruit From You, Rom 7:4

God Desires Fruit From You Rom. 7: 4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO “We should bring forth fruit unto God,” [Rom 7:4].  We should be “fruitful in every good work,” [Col 1:10].  When you study passages in the New Testament that deal with fruit, you realize that God desires fruit.  For us...

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Tree of Life Metaphors, Rev 22:2

Tree of Life Metaphors Rev. 22: 2 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The tree of life will be here during the millennial reign of Jesus Christ.  It will be on either side of the river that flows out of the throne of God [Rev 22:1-2].  Every month these trees will yield new...

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Ye Cannot Serve The Lord, Jos 24:14-25

Ye Cannot Serve The Lord Jos. 24: 14-25 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO As Christians, we are constantly being challenged to love the Lord with all our heart [Deut 6:5].  God doesn’t want any competitors.  “He is an holy God; he is a jealous God,” [Jos 24:19]. He is the only master...

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Abolished, 2 Tim 1:10

Abolished 2 Tim. 1: 10  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Six times you find the word abolish or abolished in your Bible.  Abolish in the Merriam Webster dictionary is defined as “to end the observance or the effect of (something, such as a law): to completely do away with (something); Annul. ...

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The Anointing Oil, Ex 29:7-9

The Anointing Oil Ex. 29: 7-9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO You find anointing oil used for several purposes in the Bible.  The oil typifies the Holy Spirit.  By studying anointing, we can see what the Holy Spirit does in our lives when he anoints us. For instance, Jesus was anointed...

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Disobeying the Will of God, Jonah 1-4

Disobeying the Will of God Jonah 1-4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO God gave Jonah explicit instructions to “… go to Nineveh, that great city, and cry against it; for their wickedness is come up before me,” [Jon1:2].  Jonah disobeyed the will of God when he took a ship to go...

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Bad-mouthing Your Neighbor, Prov 11:9-12

Bad-mouthing Your Neighbor Prov. 11: 9-12 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There are Christians who, with their mouths, attempt to disparage their neighbors.  The Proverbs have much to say about this problem.  So, we are going to study it carefully today with this purpose in mind.  If you are one of those...

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