The Question is What not Why, Acts 9:6

The Question is What not Why Acts 9:6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Paul asked “Lord, what wilt thou have me to do,” [Acts 9:6]?  That question is so much better than the question, “Why hast thou made me thus,” [Rom 9:20]?  People get stuck wherever they run into trouble with...

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We Need to Fear God, Phil 2:12-13

We Need to Fear God Phil. 2:12-13 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Paul said, “… work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.”  We need to fear God after we are saved.  The fear of God is good for us.  It gives us wisdom, it keeps us clean, it gives us...

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Our Testimony, Jn 21:24

Our Testimony Jn 21: 24 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO As Christians, we have a testimony.  A testimony is a solemn declaration (like that of a witness), the firsthand authentication of a fact (like evidence), an open acknowledgment, or a public profession (like your testimony).  The word testimony also refers to the...

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God Conceals Things, Prov 25:2

God Conceals Things Prov. 25: 2CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Prov 25:2 says, “It is the glory of God to conceal a thing.”   When you read through the Bible you see several things that the Lord has concealed or will conceal.   For instance, in Num 22:22-34, the angel of...

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A Head-on Collision with God, Acts 9:5

A Head-on Collision with God Acts 9:5 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Paul was living his life blamelessly [Phil 3:6] and with a good conscience toward God [Acts 23:1] that what he was doing was right.  But he was dead wrong.  Even witnessing the preaching and the death of Stephen and the...

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The Land Is Defiled, Lev 18:25-28

The Land is Defiled Lev 18: 25-28 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We find several references in the Bible to the land being defiled by the sins of men in the land.  The first of these references is found in Lev 18:25-28 which says that the land is defiled by the following...

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Starting Right, Matt 6:33

18-01-01-Matt-6-33-Starting-Off-Right CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO After a season of gifts and family visits it is time to return to the business of living for the Lord.  So much attention is given to temporal and worldly things during the Holiday season that people drift away from the Lord.  It’s time to...

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Celebrating the Birth of Christ, 1 Cor 15:3-4

Celebrating the Birth of Christ 1 Cor. 15:3-4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Christmas for many of us is a fun time of year – our families get together, we enjoy some good fellowship with our friends and church families, we send cards and presents to our friends and families and so...

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The Political State of the Union, Prov 28: 2

The Political State of the Union Prov. 28: 2 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Book of Proverbs gives you some really good information on what is going on in the U.S.A.  As a congressman in Washington, D.C., said, “The incentives in Washington are for good men to do bad.  The...

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Repentance Salvation and Sin

Repentance and a Willingness to Give Up Sin 1 Cor. 15: 3-4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO of Repentance Salvation and Sin. We received the following email from one of our listeners.  “Hello, I have a question concerning Repentance. What if a person truly realizes he is on his way to hell...

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