A Virtuous Woman, Ruth 3:1-13

Ruth 3:1-13 A Virtuous Woman CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Boaz said that Ruth was a virtuous woman – she is the only woman in the Bible about whom this was said.  Truly, there were other virtuous women, but it is not recorded in scripture that anyone called them virtuous.  Ruth has...

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Desirable Qualities in Ruth, Ruth 2:18-23

Ruth 2:18-23 Desirable Qualities in Ruth CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Ruth 2:18-23, there were desirable qualities in Ruth that should be in young women today.  They are: Her Diligence – she gleaned all day [1:7] Her Generosity – she “gave” to her mother-in-law [v.18] Her Faith – she trusted in the...

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The Lord Blesses Ruth Ruth 2:1-17

Ruth 2:1-17 The Lord Blesses Ruth CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Ruth 2:1-17, Ruth goes to glean in the barley harvest and the Lord blesses Ruth by: Directing her to the field of Boaz – v.1-3 – The Bible tells us that man deviseth his way but the Lord directeth his...

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Call Me Mara Ruth 1:19-22

Call Me Mara Ruth 1:19-22 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Naomi means “pleasant;” Mara means “bitter.”  In Ruth 1:19-22, Naomi tells her friends in Bethlehem to Call me Mara, because she was bitter.  This formerly pleasant wife and mother of two sons had returned a widow and childless. Have you ever felt...

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Ruth Returns With Naomi Ruth 1:1-18

Ruth 1:1-18 Ruth Returns With Naomi CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Ruth 1:1-18, Ruth returns with Naomi to Bethlehem.  Ruth was steadfastly minded to go with Naomi [v.18] in spite of: Her Liberty – v.8-9 – she was free to marry because her husband was dead [Rom 7:1-2].  She had no...

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Blessings in Famines Ruth 1:1

Ruth 1:1 A Famine in the Land CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There a number of famines recorded in the Bible and often, in spite of these famines, you will find God’s blessings in famines.  This helps us when we face natural disasters and terrible hardships in our own lives to...

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Eli’s Spiritual Failure 1 Sam. 3:1-18

2 Sam 3:1-18 Eli’s Spiritual Failure CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO As Eli grew older and fatter, 1 Sam 4:18, he failed in the ministry.  There are some things he did and some things he didn’t do that caused his ministry to end in spiritual failure.  If you don’t want you ministry...

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The Sons of Eli 1 Sam. 2:12-25

1 Sam 2:12-25 The Sons of Eli CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In 1 Sam 2:12-25, the sons of Eli were wicked priests.  Unfortunately, they are not unlike many men who are in the ministry today.  These young men totally abused their authority in the ministry and corrupted Israel in the process. ...

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Rejoice in the Lord Hab. 3:12-16

Rejoice in the Lord Hab. 3:12-16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Habakkuk 3:17-19 says, I will rejoice in the Lord.  This rejoicing is done in spite of the fact that all the crops and animals have failed.  Listen to the audio of this sermon…

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