Natural Disasters Hab. 3:4-11

Natural Catastrophes Hab. 3:4-11 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Who would want to be here for the tribulation when you have a chance to get saved now and get out of it!! At the second coming of Jesus things in the earth are going to be wildly and catastrophically affected.  There will...

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The Second Advent Path Hab. 3:1-3

Path of the Second Advent Hab 3:1-3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Second Advent Path is clearly defined in scripture.  The second advent path is the path that Jesus will take from Mount Sinai to Jerusalem when he returns.  This passage is part of the path. The Path of the Second Advent is...

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The Graven Image Hab. 2:18-20

What Profiteth the Graven Image Hab 2:18-20 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO What profiteth the graven image?  According to God it profits nothing!!!  Is 44:9-10 So why do men make them? For money – According to man graven images profit – Acts 19:23-28; Rev 18:11-15 For worship – Acts 19:27; 35; the...

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Shameful Spewing Hab. 2:15-17

Shameful Spewing Hab. 2:15-17 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Doctrinally we are dealing with the national drunkenness and fornication which takes place among nations that are prostituted for gain and against a common enemy like the Jews.  See Rev 18:3, 22-24, 9; 17:2-4, 6, and 18.  The result is shameful spewing....

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What Destroys the Antichrist Hab. 2:5-14

What Destroys the Antichrist Hab. 2:5-14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO What destroys the antichrist?  The antichrist comes crashing down because of a number of things that are written in this portion of the prophecy: These things are: Wine [Hab 2:5] – Prov 20:1; Dan 5 Pride [Hab 2:5] – Exaltation [Hab...

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Write The Vision Hab. 2:1-4

Write the Vision Hab. 2:1-4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Write the vision.  Habakkuk writes a vision at the instruction of the Lord – it is true but it will only be fulfilled partially in their days – it will be fulfilled in the end – thus people will not believe it...

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When Will This Stop Hab 1:12-17

When Will This Stop Hab 1:12-17 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Habakkuk here is talking with the Lord about the destruction coming to his people from the enemy.  This is a tremendous passage of scripture dealing with the soul searching questions a man will ask the Lord when he sees the wicked...

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Ye Will Not Believe Hab. 1:5-11

Ye Will Not Believe Hab. 1:5-11 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Ye will not believe.  This is what the Lord said through Habakkuk to Judah.  In the days of the Jews before the Babylonian Captivity, Jeremiah was preaching that the Jews should cooperate with the Babylonians because any attempt to defend...

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The Wicked Compass the Righteous Hab 1: 1-4

The Wicked Compass the Righteous Hab 1: 1-4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The primary fulfillment of Habakkuk is the Babylonian captivity [v.5] the Chaldeans come in.  Habakkuk writes around 620 BC. The prophecy of Habakkuk is ultimately fulfilled at the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ.  The 3rd chapter is a great...

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What You Need Eph. 6:19-24

Ephesians 6:19-24 What You Need CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO YOU NEED BOLDNESS – Paul said Pray for boldness You need to be bold Acts 4:29-31 I Cor 16:9, great door, many adversaries Lacking today – not bold enough to just lay it out there, smooth talking I Cor 2:4-5 Not praying for...

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