Preaching Jesus, Acts 11:20

When you consider preaching Jesus Christ to others it helps to understand what preaching Jesus entails.  There’s a lot to it.  Today we are going to look at what Paul and some of his fellow preachers did when they went about preaching Jesus.  Preaching Jesus entails: Publishing – Acts 13:49...

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The Evil Effects of Bitterness, Ruth 1:20

There are more people harboring bitterness than you and I are aware of.  The reason that we’re not usually aware of their bitterness is that if you suggest to bitter people that they are bitter, they will deny it.  Yet, when an incident arises that deeply affects them emotionally, their...

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Be Ye Angry, And Sin Not, Eph 4:26

I have often thought, “How is it possible to be angry and not sin?”  I believe that every time I have ever been angry, I have sinned in some capacity.  When you fail to rule your spirit you are going to do or say something wrong.  Yet, in thinking about...

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A Great Waster, Prov 18:9

Prov 18:9 says, “He also that is slothful in his work is brother to him that is a great waster”. How many of you like to work with lazy (slothful) people?  I can’t stand it.  I loved working together with the crew that went to the Navajo nation and worked...

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What To Do With Your Life, 1 Chr 28:9-10

Dr Ruckman said of 1 Chr 28:9-10, “These are two of the greatest verses in the Bible”.  They show you what to do with your life.  I have lived long enough to now know that what David told Solomon in these two verses is absolutely true.  There is nothing more...

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Duties of Tribulation Saints, Heb 12:1-17

In the Tribulation, people must endure to the end to be saved, Matt 24:13, Heb 3:6, 14.  In Heb 12:1-17, Paul lists several duties of Tribulation saints to help them endure to the end.  We’ll study these duties of Tribulation saints today.  Tribulation saints must: Lay aside every weight and...

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The Tradition of Men, Mk 7:5-13

The Tradition of Men Mk. 7:5-13 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There are many professing Christians who believe that the tradition of men is of equal authority with or superior authority to scripture.  This was the problem with the Pharisees in Mk 7:5-13.  They were “teaching for doctrines the commandments of men,” [Mk...

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The Shining Light, Prov 4:18

The Shining Light Prov. 4:18 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Prov 4:18 says, “the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day.”  We’re going to look at those things that provide a shining light for us as we go through life.  No...

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Thy Rod And Thy Staff, Ps 23:4

In Ps 23:4, David wrote, “thy rod and thy staff they comfort me”.  The rod and the staff are the only two instruments a shepherd carried with him when he was with his flock.   The shepherd usually carved his rod out of a sapling tree.  He carved the heavier,...

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Giving Thanks Always for All Things, Eph 5:20

Eph 5:20 Giving Thanks Always for All Things CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Eph 5:20 tells us that we should be giving thanks always for all things.  There are so many things about which to be thankful, it is impossible to name them all here.  And we should be thankful always...

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