Irresistible Grace, Acts 7:51

Irresistible Grace Acts 7:51 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Today we want to look at Irresistible Grace which is the doctrine that, no matter what, you don’t have the free will to choose Christ.  Instead, when it is “your time” God hits you with his grace and you can’t resist getting saved. ...

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Peace With Your Shepherd, Ps 23

In Psalm 23, David wrote, “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want”.  To be in want is to be in need of or destitute.  When the Lord is your shepherd, one thing you won’t “want” is peace with your shepherd.  With your shepherd, you will find: Peace in...

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Limited Atonement, 1 Tim 2:4

Limited Atonement 1 Tim. 2:4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Limited atonement is the doctrine that Jesus only died for the unconditionally elect.  We want to look at Limited Atonement today so that we are not hood winked into believing this erroneous doctrine.  Look at the following verses and notice that this...

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Unconditional Election, Is 42:1

Unconditional Election Is 42:1 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO As taught by Calvinism, Unconditional Election is the doctrine that says God chose from before the foundation of the world whom he would save and whom he would damn, regardless of whether they want to be saved or not.  However, by studying the...

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Total Depravity, Gen 6:5

Total Depravity CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Total Depravity is the doctrine that teaches that man is born with a nature that is alienated from God and is in rebellion against God.  The total man is depraved and he will, therefore, never seek God or choose Jesus Christ, by his own free...

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The One True Universal Constant

The One True Universal Constant 2 Peter 3:1-18 In physics there are several universal constant such as the speed of light in a vacuum, charge of a single electron, the gravitational constant etc. But in the real world that we inhabit nothing every really stays the same. Everything seems to...

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What does God expect of Us?

What does God expect of Us?  Introduction: As a Christian, we are commanded and exhorted by God to read the Word of God. For what purpose? So that we can hear from God. This Bible is what God uses to communicate with you and with me.  II Peter 1:19-21 “no prophecy of the scripture is...

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God is Merciful, Deut 4:31

God is Merciful Deut.4:31 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO God is merciful to Israel.  Deut 4:31 says that the Lord thy God is a merciful God.  Israel enjoyed God’s mercy as long as they were willing to go along with what the Lord said.  When they repeatedly and stubbornly disobeyed him, he...

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God is Just, Deut 32:4

God is Just Deut. 32:4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO God is just.  Deut 32:4 says, “… a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is he.”  Is 45:21 says, “… a just God and a Saviour; there is none else.” As a just God, the Lord demands justice. ...

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