My Fruit is Better than Gold, Prov 8:19

My Fruit is Better than Gold Prov. 8:19 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Wisdom in Prov 8 is personified.  In Prov 8:19, she says, My fruit is better than gold.  The inference is that you are better off seeking wisdom than you are seeking gold because the fruit of wisdom is better...

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His Own Soul, Prov 19:8

The word “soul” is often just a reference to a human being, a person, as in Gen 46:15, 18, 22, 25-27.  So, when the Bible refers to a man loving his own soul and doing good to his own soul, he loves himself.  This kind of love is not the...

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So Much The More Prayer, Heb 10:4-25

In anticipation of the Lord’s return Paul exhorted us to do some things so much the more, Heb 10:25.  Paul wrote in Heb 10:24, And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works.  Prayer is good work.  In Col 4:12 Paul noted that Epaphras was...

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He Took On Him The Seed of Abraham, Heb 2

In Heb 2:16, we read that Jesus “took not on him the nature of angels; but he took on him the seed of Abraham”.  Why? To accomplish so great salvation – Heb 2:1-4.  The gospel of the death, burial, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ is “great salvation”.  By...

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How Shall We Order The Child, Jud 13:2-14

How Shall We Order The Child Jude 13:2-14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Have you ever thought about asking God, before your child is born, How shall we order the child?  That’s what Manoah and his wife did.  You have to prepare for a child coming into your home.  You need to...

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Types of Spiritual Revival, 1 Sam 30:11-12

Types of Spiritual Revival 1 Sam. 30:11-12 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There are times when you need a spiritual revival.  From several Old Testament passages we are going to see some types of things that will revive you spiritually.  Notice these types of spiritual revival: Bread and water revived the Egyptian...

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Be In Health, 3 Jn 2

John wrote to his friend Gaius and wished for him to be in health.  According to the Bible, there are spiritual things you can do to improve your health.  So, often we concentrate on the physical, medical, and nutritional interventions and overlook the spiritual.  Regardless whether you are in good...

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The Lord’s Vengeance, Rom 12:19

The earth is the Lord’s, Ps 24:1.  All that that dwell therein are also the Lord’s.  So, men have a responsibility to live by God’s rules and to remember that this is God’s earth.  He gave the dominion of the earth to man [Gen 1:26] and men still have the...

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Emotions That Lead To Sin, Prov 7:18

Some emotions lead to sin.  Of course, there are all kinds of ways to get into sin.  You can be enticed by lust [Jas 1:14] or you can be enticed by others [Prov 1:10].  But sometimes you get into sin as a result of an emotion.  Common emotions that often...

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Read This Law, Deut 31:11-13

Read This Law Deut. 31:11-13 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Deut 31:11-13 Moses commanded the priests to read this law every seven years when all the people were gathered together at the feast of tabernacles.  He was referring to the exact words that were given to him by the Lord which...

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