Neither Give Place to the Devil, Eph 4:27

Neither Give Place to the Devil Eph 4:27 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Paul gave us very specific instructions about putting on the new man in Eph 4:24-32.  In the midst of these instructions he told us, neither give place to the devil.  When you think about that instruction it is a...

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Draw Near to God, Ps 73:22-28

Draw Near to God Ps. 73:22-28 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Ps 73 Asaph said, Draw near to God.  This admonition is one of the greatest in the Bible.  Sin puts a wedge between you and God.  So, drawing near to him is essential to close the gap.  Draw near to...

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Are You Idolatrous? Is 48:11

I Will Not Give My Glory unto Another Is 48:11 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Lord God said, I will not give my glory unto another.  He said this in the midst of a passage dealing with the vanity and foolishness of idolatry.  There are many “professing” Christians today who are...

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The Future of Renewable Energy, Prov 30:4

Those who profess to be concerned about the environment and global warming advocate that we should replace energy from fossil fuels with what they call renewable energy.  Currently, renewable energy is derived from: Wind power – air flow is used to run wind turbines which generate electricity. Solar energy –...

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Results of Failing to Love God, Matt 22:35-40

This sermon is on the results of failing to love God.  Our text is Matt 22:35-40.  However, we will check some other references in the Bible to see the results of failing to love God.   The first and great commandment is to love the Lord.  This commandment hasn’t changed. ...

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Rahab’s Faith, Heb 11:31

This sermon is about Rahab’s faith mentioned in Heb 11:31 and demonstrated in Jos 2.  When the spies came to Jericho they ended up in Rahab’s house.  When the king sent word for her to bring them forth to him, she hid them instead.  And then she sent his pursuers...

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A More Excellent Ministry, Heb 8:1-13

This lesson is a study of Heb 8.  Jesus has a more excellent ministry, Heb 8:6, than the priests after the order of Aaron because: He ministers in a better tabernacle, v.1-2.  Jesus is a minister in the true tabernacle.  He’s seated at the right hand of God in the...

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Preoccupied, 2 Cor 10:5

Preoccupied II Cor. 10:5 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Your mind is preoccupied when a matter or a subject dominates or engrosses your mind to the exclusion of other thoughts.  It appears that many young Christians are preoccupied these days.  You can run a little two-part self-test to see if you are...

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Finding God’s Direction, Jer 10:23

People often ask how they can determine God’s direction on a particular decision or matter in their lives.  It is not uncommon for people to be very uncertain about a decision that they are trying to make.  Yet, we are sure that the Lord does not want you to be...

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Repetition is A Good Teacher, Is 28:9-10

This lesson is going to show you that repetition is a god teacher. The Lord wants to teach you knowledge and he wants you to understand doctrine.  Notice whom he teaches in Is 28:9.  He teaches babes just weaned.  That’s what we are when we first get saved. 1 Pet...

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