Results of Trusting God, Prov 16:20

In this sermon, we’re going to talk about four results of trusting God.  When you trust in the Lord: You’ll be happy – Prov 16:20, whoso trusteth in the Lord, happy is he.  You’re happy first from getting saved.  Ps 144:15 says, happy is that people whose God is the...

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What To Do With God’s Love, 1 Jn 4

The Bible says that God is love, 1 Jn 4:8.  Love is in his nature.  So, we must know what to do with God’s love. Receive his love – 1 Jn 4:7-10.  God’s love was manifested in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  He is the propitiation for...

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Jesus Is Better Than Angels, Heb 1

In the beginning of Paul’s epistle to the Hebrews, he establishes immediately that Jesus is better than angels.  The entire chapter is devoted to enumerating the numerous ways in which Jesus is so much better than they are.  The reason for proving that Jesus is better than angels is that...

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Aaron and His Sons, Lev 8

Aaron and His Sons Lev. 8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Aaron and his sons are types of the Lord Jesus Christ, the high priest, and New Testament Christians, the royal priesthood.  Seeing these pictures of Jesus and New Testament Christians in Aaron and his sons might help you to find passages...

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Pray Then Speak, Neh 2:4-5

In Neh 2:4-5, when the king asked Nehemiah to make his request, Nehemiah prayed and then he spoke.  This is the proper order when making a request, answering a question, or confronting someone.  Pray then speak.  Too often we react too quickly and speak first, without praying.   Nehemiah had...

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How To Repent, 2 Peter 3:9

How To Repent 2 Pet 3:9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This verse says that God is willing that all should come to repentance.  You have heard the word repentance before and you may know something about it.  But the question is How to Repent.  What good is it if you can...

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Belief In Creation, Gen 1:1

The Bible starts right out with these words, “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.”  God doesn’t offer to prove it, God doesn’t offer an explanation of how he did it, he just says it and expects you to believe him and keep reading.  I believe that...

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One Man’s Courage, Jer 1:17-19

There are times when you may be all alone in what you must do for the Lord.  Take courage in the fact that some other men had to go it alone to accomplish God’s will for their lives.  You can do it, when God is with you.  If you don’t,...

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They Seek a Country, Heb 11:8-16

Our text is Heb 11:8-16.  Heb 11:14 says, they seek a country.  Are you seeking a country? Abraham was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance.  When you get saved and seek a country, you should follow what Abraham did.   If...

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