My Heart is Fixed, Ps 108:1

“O God, my heart is fixed,” David sang and praised the Lord.  His heart was truly fixed.  When you are saved, you can sing with David, My heart is fixed: In the sense that it has been fixed permanently (like color is fixed in dyeing).  When you receive Jesus Christ...

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The Author of Eternal Salvation, Heb 5

In Hebrews Chapter 5, Paul continues his discussion about Jesus Christ the high priest which he started in Heb 4:14-15.  See Heb 2:17 and 3:1 for earlier references to him as the high priest.  Paul writes about the high priesthood of Jesus all the way through Heb 10.  In this...

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The King Shall Be His Friend, Prov 22:11

The King Shall Be His Friend Prov. 22:11 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Prov 22:11 Solomon said, The king shall be his friend. If you want King Jesus to be your friend then you will love certain things he loves.  King Jesus will be your friend if you: Love the Lord...

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Is Peter “the Rock?”

Is Peter the rock? No. Jesus Christ is. The Roman Catholic Church teaches that Peter is the rock upon which the church is built.  They get this from Matt 16:18 where Jesus said “Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church.”  But Matt 16:18 is in...

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War, Prov 20:18

War first appears in Gen 14:2, when four kings attacked Sodom and Gomorrah and the three neighboring cities.  History is filled with war.  During David’s reign there was a season for battle, 2 Sam 11:1.  And today is no different.  Conciliation rarely works.   Thucydides trap describes a scenario where...

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Cheer Up My Brother, Acts 27:13-36

Cheer Up My Brother Acts 27:13-36 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There’s an old favorite hymn called “Farther Along” and the chorus goes like this, “Farther along we’ll know all about it, farther along we’ll understand why, cheer up my brother, live in the sunshine, we’ll understand it all by and by.” ...

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Cursed is the Ground, Gen 3:17

Cursed is the Ground Gen. 3:17 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Gen 3:17 God said cursed is the ground as a result of Adam’s disobedience.  According to Rom 8:19-22 even the creatures are in the bondage of corruption. The whole creation groans and travails in pain.  Everything dies or is...

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Two Great Lights, Gen 1:16

Two Great Lights Gen. 1:16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We have been studying the darkness in the universe for the last two broadcasts.  We have seen that this darkness was created by God [Is 45:7] and fills the entire universe.  This darkness is separated from the light God created in...

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Bezaleel, Ex 31:1-5

Bezaleel was God’s principal choice to make the tabernacle and everything in and for the tabernacle that the Lord commanded Moses to make.  Aholiab was his principal assistant in the work. There are some interesting things that those of us who work for the Lord can learn from  studying Bezaleel....

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Holy Crown of Gold, Ex 39:30-31

There are four things associated with the tabernacle that had a crown of gold.  The interesting thing about the crown of gold on each of these is that they are all representations of Jesus Christ. Ex 39:30-31, the priest that ministers to the Lord was to have a crown of...

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