Labor To Enter The Rest, Heb 4:1-16

The Hebrews in the Tribulation must labor to enter the rest that was promised to them in their land during the millennial reign of Jesus The Rest Was Promised To The Hebrews v.1 Let us therefore fear.  Paul has been comparing the Jews who wandered in the wilderness, who were...

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Thick Darkness, Job 28:8-9

Thick Darkness Job 28:8-9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In the prior broadcast, we discussed in some detail the fact that this entire universe is surrounded by a body of water [Gen 1:6-9] called the deep [Gen 1:2] and also the sea.  This water is covered by a cloud and thick darkness...

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Literal Darkness, Gen 1:2

Literal Darkness Gen 1:2 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.  There was nothing there before Heb 11:3 and Jn 1:3.  In the heaven there was a body of water, apparently surrounding the earth, and the earth was standing “out of the water.”...

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The Spider, Prov 30:28

Prov 30 was written by a man named Agur.  Agur professed to be a brutish man, v.2.  Brutish here means he was untaught.  However, he was observant.  The things he wrote in this proverb he learned, not by education but, by observation.  And in all of his observation, he understood...

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Made Me Free, Rom 8:2

Made Me Free Rom 8:2 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Rom 8:2, Paul said, “For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.” In the prior broadcast we compared the phrase “make you free” in the King James...

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Make You Free, John 8:32

Make You Free John 8:32 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Jn 8:32, the King James Bible says, You shall know the truth and the truth shall “make you free.”  The context is sin.  All of these verses have the same expression of “make you free” or “made free,” Jn 8:32, 8:36,...

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Inseparable from the Love of God, Rom 8:31-39

Inseparable from the Love of God Rom 8:31-39 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Rom 8, Paul asks a series of questions concerning the Christian life and concludes the passage by saying the nothing “shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” ...

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Daily, Ps 68:19

According to Ps 68:19, the Lord daily loadeth us with benefits.  In return, what should we do daily? Die to self – 1 Cor 15:31.  Paul wrote, “I die daily”.  The victory over sin each day is gained by the crucified life.  When we are crucified with Christ, he lives...

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Your Strength Ps 27:1-4

In several places in your Bible, you will find that something specific from the Lord is your strength.   The salvation of the Lord is your strength – Ps 27:1-4.  First and foremost, the Lord gives you his strength when you trust him to save you.  The devil will fight...

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Consider Christ Jesus, Heb 3:1-19

When Paul wrote Hebrews, he already knew that the church would be raptured, that the Tribulation would be principally directed toward the Jews, and that a person in the Tribulation would have to endure to the end to be saved, Matt 10:22, Heb 3:6, 14. In v.1 Holy brethren are...

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