Pray Then Speak, Neh 2:4-5

In Neh 2:4-5, when the king asked Nehemiah to make his request, Nehemiah prayed and then he spoke.  This is the proper order when making a request, answering a question, or confronting someone.  Pray then speak.  Too often we react too quickly and speak first, without praying.   Nehemiah had...

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How To Repent, 2 Peter 3:9

How To Repent 2 Pet 3:9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This verse says that God is willing that all should come to repentance.  You have heard the word repentance before and you may know something about it.  But the question is How to Repent.  What good is it if you can...

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Belief In Creation, Gen 1:1

The Bible starts right out with these words, “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.”  God doesn’t offer to prove it, God doesn’t offer an explanation of how he did it, he just says it and expects you to believe him and keep reading.  I believe that...

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One Man’s Courage, Jer 1:17-19

There are times when you may be all alone in what you must do for the Lord.  Take courage in the fact that some other men had to go it alone to accomplish God’s will for their lives.  You can do it, when God is with you.  If you don’t,...

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They Seek a Country, Heb 11:8-16

Our text is Heb 11:8-16.  Heb 11:14 says, they seek a country.  Are you seeking a country? Abraham was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance.  When you get saved and seek a country, you should follow what Abraham did.   If...

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River, Trees, Land Inherited, Ezek 47-48

In Ezekiel 47-48 we will study the river coming from the throne of God, the trees lining the river, the land inherited initially by the tribes of Israel, and the city where the Lord will dwell, during his millennial reign. The waters that issued out from under the threshold of...

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Atonement, Rom 5:11

Atonement Rom 5:11 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Rom 5:11 we find that “we have now received the atonement.”  Many modern translations change “atonement” to “reconciliation.”  That seems unnecessary since Rom 5:10 mentions our reconciliation twice already.  Let’s see if that change is warranted. Presume for a moment that you...

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Israel’s Trouble in the Wilderness, Num 11:4-6

The things that troubled Israel in the wilderness are the same things that will trouble you in your Christian life.  Israel’s trouble in the wilderness included: Discontentment – Num 11:4-6; 21:5 – they hated the manna.  It was the perfect food to sustain them in the wilderness.  Furthermore, they had...

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Do These All The Day, Ps 25:5

There are just a few places in our Bible where we find the phrase “all the day”.  These verses give us instruction on what we should be doing everyday throughout the day. Actively wait on the Lord – Ps 25:5.  To wait on the Lord is to attend as a...

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Be Not Afraid of Their Faces, Jer 1:8

Be Not Afraid of their Faces Jer 1:8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Jer 1:8 says, Be not afraid of their faces.  The Lord had a very important job for Jeremiah to do.  Jeremiah was called to be a prophet to the nations [Jer 1:5].  He was going to have to stand...

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