Binding The Strong Man, Mark 3:27

Binding The Strong Man Mk 3: 27 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Often in a television or radio broadcast you will here a preacher talk about binding the devil.  You may have heard a preacher pray something like that in a church service.  He will point to a verse like Matt 16:19...

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The Gospel – Resurrection, 1 Cor 15:3-4

The Gospel – Resurrection 1 Cor 15:3-4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The gospel is not complete without the resurrection.  It is certainly remarkable, as we saw in the prior broadcast, that Jesus Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures.  However, without the resurrection, Paul said that our faith is...

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Relevance of the Resurrection, Lk 20:36

What is the relevance of the resurrection?  What does the resurrection mean to us today?  We can answer these questions from the scripture.   The relevance of the resurrection is that we are: The children of the resurrection, Lk 20:36.  Because we have trusted Jesus Christ as our Savior, we...

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A Pivotal Question, Matt 27:22

Matt 27:11-25.  During the trial of Jesus, Pilate asked the multitude a pivotal question, “What shall I do then with Jesus”?, v.22.  We’re talking about this man Jesus.  He is Christ, the anointed one, Israel’s Messiah.  He is the King of the Jews, Mk 15:12.  He didn’t get to reign...

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Resurrection Morning, Matt 28:1

Resurrection morning, Matt 28:1 at first daylight, Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James and Joses (Matt 27:56) came to the tomb where Jesus had been buried.  They were accompanied by Salome who had been with them at the crucifixion (Mk 16:1; 15:40) and by Joanna (Lk 24:10) and...

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The Gospel – Death and Burial, 1 Cor 15:3-4

The Gospel – Death and Burial 1 Cor 15:3-4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO According to 1 Cor 15:3-4, the gospel is the death, burial and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Today we will concern ourselves with the first two parts of the gospel – death and burial. Christ died –...

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Judas Iscariot a Devil, Jn 6:70-71

Judas Iscariot a Devil Jn. 6:70-71 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This study of Judas Iscariot a Devil stems from the statement that Jesus Christ made about Judas when he said, “Have not I chosen you twelve, and one of you is a devil?” [Jn 6:70-71].  We need to understand what...

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Pray for Those in Authority, 1 Tim 2:2

To pray for those in authority effectually, we must start with the right attitude toward those in authority. In 2 Ki 5:1-3, for example, the little maid, who had been taken captive by the Syrians, had an unusually good attitude toward her mistress and Naaman.   In Dan 4:19, when...

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Judas Iscariot the Traitor, Lk 6:16

Judas Iscariot the Traitor Lk 6: 16  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Judas Iscariot is called a traitor in Luke 6:16.  He was a traitor who betrayed his master.  To betray someone is to deliver them to an enemy.  He betrayed Jesus as stated in Matt 10:4, where he is listed...

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Expected Changes, Ps 55:19

Expected Changes Ps 55:19 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO  The Bible says of the Lord that he changes not [Mal 3:6] and Solomon tells us that we are not to meddle with them who are given to change [Prov 24:21].  Psalms describes a man who swears to his own hurt and...

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