When all Hope is Taken Away

 When all Hope is Taken Away Acts 27:20 Paul is sailing to Rome as a prisoner and the ship encounters a dreadful storm. The situation gets to the point where the Bible says that “all hope is taken away”. In this sermon we are going to look at some things...

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The Bridge of Hope

The Bridge of Hope 1 Corinthians 13:13 Hope – Desire of some good, accompanied with at least a slight expectation of obtaining it or       belief of obtaining it, or belief that it is obtainable.             Hope is different form a wish or desire in this, that it implies some...

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Fruitfulness of the Word, Matt 13:18-23

Fruitfulness of the Word Matt 13:18-23 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The word of God, like seed, is designed to bear fruit.  When it is sown, it does not return void [Is 55:10-11].  However, the condition of your heart [the soil] has a lot to do with the fruitfulness of the...

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The Servants of Corruption, 2 Pet 2:19

The Servants of Corruption 2 Pet. 2:19 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Today, we find people touting all kinds of liberties both in society and in church – these are basically liberties to sin – the people flaunting their liberty to commit these sins want you to think that they are free...

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It’s Sudden, Prov 6:12-15

Throughout the Bible you find the word “sudden” or “suddenly” in reference to something that happens so quickly and unexpectedly it is shocking.  As Bible believers, we shouldn’t be surprised by these things or afraid when they happen.  Here are some things that happen suddenly.  Sudden calamity, Prov 6:12-15.  A...

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They Shall Part Alike, 1 Sam 30:24

They Shall Part Alike 1 Sam.30:24 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This is a great passage of scripture that will encourage you to participate anyway that you possibly can in the Lord’s work. 400 of David’s men fought to recover what had been stolen from Ziklag and 200 of them stayed by...

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Not of Man, Prov 29:25

Not of Man Prov. 29:25 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO If we are ever going to get anything worthwhile done for the Lord we must get “man” out of the way.  The Lord’s work is not of man so here are some things that should be “of God” and not of...

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Ministry Opportunities, Eph 2:10

According to Eph 2:10, Titus 2:14, Col 3:23-25, Matt 20:25-28, we are Gods servants, humbly, joyfully, charitably, and zealously serving Jesus Christ.  However, it can be frustrating to know you should serve the Lord in our church but not know what ministry opportunities you have to serve. As it turns...

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Grace Changes Lives, 1 Cor 15:9-10

Grace changes lives.  But what is grace?  Grace is a gift from God.  Some have said it’s God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense.  It’s a provision from God to meet a need in your life that you could not possibly meet without his grace.  When you are in need or when...

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