Unique Ways to Happiness, Job 5:17-18

God offers his people unique ways to happiness.  We can be happy in ways that the world knows nothing about.  The world’s happiness is derived from pleasure.  They might be happy with an event, a person, an accomplishment, or some form of entertainment.  We can be happy with these things,...

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Pray Without Doubting, 1 Tim 2:8

We’re told to pray without doubting, 1 Tim 2:8.  This is because doubting will adversely affect your prayer life.   In Jas 1:5-8 we are to ask in faith nothing wavering.  Wavering is like waves of the sea.  When you waver, you are double minded, unstable, and think that you...

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The Valley of Dry Bones, Ezek 37:1-14

Once again Ezekiel was carried by the spirit to a place where God showed him a vision.  This time he was carried to the valley of dry bones.  In Ezek 37:1-8, Ezekiel was instructed to prophecy to the dry bones.  In Ezek 37:9-10, he prophesied to the wind.  And in...

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Revealed by the Author, Heb 11:17-19

Revelation By The Author Heb. 11: 17-19 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO of Revealed by the Author Though over 40 men were used to pen the words of the books of the Bible, there is but one author, the Lord God.  You know this because there are some things written in the Old...

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God Is In Control, Job 12:16-25

God is in Control Job 12:16-25 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO You and I hear over and over again that “We” need to do something about the condition of our country.  It’s all our fault, we are led to believe.  And then we are given various political strategies and objectives that...

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Prayer and Supplication with Crying

This is the third part of a series on prayer and supplication.  For part two in this series, see Prayer and Supplication with Fasting. For part three in this series, see Prayer and Supplication with Thanksgiving. This sermon is on Prayer and Supplication with Crying.  Prayer and supplication with crying...

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Develop Unity in Church, 1 Cor 12:20-25

Eph 5:30-32 shows us that we are one flesh with Chirst.  In one flesh you have union.  Eph 5:32 this is a mystery concerning Christ and the church.  We see this clearly in 1 Cor 12:12-27.  We are one body with many members.  In 1 Cor 12:20-25, Christ desires no...

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Necessities of the Christian Life

There are at least three necessities in the Christian life.  Of course, before you can have these you must have life. You must receive the life of God – Jn 14:6.  Jesus Christ is the life.  Rom 6:23, the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. ...

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Dispersion and Restoration of Israel, Ez 36

Ezek 36 is a prophecy concerning the dispersion and restoration of Israel.   Israel’s Dispersion Ezekiel’s Prophecy to the Mountains of Israel, Ezek 36:1-7 When Israel and Judah sinned against the Lord, he used the heathen to destroy their land and take them captive.  The Assyrians attacked Israel and took...

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